Scores & Competitors


New member
Just a view from the outside looking in.

When looking at match scores on this site I usually see only the top 3-5 competitors being recognized which gives one the false impression that those listed are the only ones who attended the match.

It is just my opinion but I feel one should recognize the efforts of all of the competitors who attended and that it would also let those on the outside looking in know just how popular this sport really is.
I normally post the actual results page but the printer at our range needs a new red ink cartridge which makes the grand agg numbers be very faint. This means the page doesn't scan well so the last few River Bend reports haven't had the full results because I am lazy. I do post the total number of competitors.

The reason I like to post the full results is so a potential new shooter will see that the actual scores are quite modest and anyone can do this and not be embarassed [ any worse than somebody that's been doing it for years :) ].
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Sometimes. There are only 3 people shooting.
But, anyway that is a lot of typing to include everyone.


Please speak for your own ranges. I just finished a weekend in WI w/ 54 6X shooters on the line in 5 Relays!!. Score shooting is ALIVE and WELL and GROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I post results, I only mention the winners,it take to long to type out every name. I always post a scan of the full results, just open the attachment to see all the scores of all competitors.
Some just post three, because that is who was awarded a trophy
That is how I do it for my clubs.


Please speak for your own ranges. I just finished a weekend in WI w/ 54 6X shooters on the line in 5 Relays!!. Score shooting is ALIVE and WELL and GROWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gee David.
Which one should I start with.....??????
A little suggestion, If you have the results as a digital file, but your range computer is not connected to the internet, saving them on one of the little USB "thumb drives" so that someone can take them home and upload the document(s) directly, or as a PDF, should get around the whole printer/scanner thing. If anyone needs help posting them they can attach the file(s) to an email and I will take care of it. Just make sure that it was saved as a type of document that I can open.
A little suggestion, If you have the results as a digital file, but your range computer is not connected to the internet, saving them on one of the little USB "thumb drives" so that someone can take them home and upload the document(s) directly, or as a PDF, should get around the whole printer/scanner thing. If anyone needs help posting them they can attach the file(s) to an email and I will take care of it. Just make sure that it was saved as a type of document that I can open.

My Bughole scoring program allows you to export the data for a shoot at the range then import it on your home computer. You can then export the data in .CSV format, open it in Excel and with a little formatting have something ready to upload anywhere. I usually save the files in both Excel and PDF formats then upload them.

Your are absolutely right right, BUT...IT AIN"T GUNNA HAPPEN!........... Jan
We tell them that we are going to dock their pay, 100% of zero is zero. The thing is that when you volunteer, over a 2 or 3 year time you get burnt out. If your club is small only about 10% of the members do 100% of the work.
The problem as I see it:
In nearly all cases, the person who is doing the refereeing, scoring, tabulating, posting, printing, mailing, internet is also a competitor and he or she is a volunteer as well.It would be nice if someone would go to the range with the expressed desire to lighten the load of the few. That's all.

At the matches I attend most everybody pitches in to make sure the match director isn't overwhelmed. Scoring, data entry, moving the target frames, swapping out the targets, match reporting, etc are being done by the shooters. Of course these are just club matches so maybe it's different at a bigger match.
In Jan. I was told Competitors can not touch the targets. NBRSA / IBS rules.
I was helping with the target crew......
In some cases, IF the shooters were not there to help, matches would not be held!
Should you happen to read the results of the Harrison matches, you will see that Big Al posts all the scores as an attachment. This usually makes me mad at Big Al since I haven't been shooting real well lately and the scores don't lie. Should you happen to wonder what blithering idiot who works for Precision Shooting shot a 249 last Saturday all you gotta do is click on the attachment.

Dick Wright
I report for the 3 Maine IBS score shooting clubs and the results for all competitors of our shoots are posted but they are posted on the IBS website by way of Dick Grobier. The IBS site has results from their score, group, and long range matches so most do not feel a need duplicate them here. Randy Jarvais