Score match at Rockingham County Gun Club ( NC ) Sept 25th

Roy in NC

RCGC will be hosting our next score match of the year on THIS Saturday, September 25th. This match will be at 100 yards.

Targets are scored using a reticle, so there is no caliber advantage. Targets are the same diemensions as IBS. Classes are available for Benchrest, Modified, and factory rifles.

You do NOT have to be a club member to participate.

See additional info on the club and matches here:

Come on out and join the fun!!!!
The Rock was on her best behavior yesterday to welcome back some of us old guys that hadn't shot at the Rock for awhile. Raymond Boyd hadn't shot in over a year with medical problems but he was back and looking good. He said he is getting better every week and seemed to have a great time and it was a treat for many to see him shooting again. I shot my first match in several years at the rock it was great to see many old friends and I got to meet some new ones and Tom Fee was back after not shooting there for awhile. The weather was beautiful with a cool start of the mid 40's and ended at 70 degrees The conditions where very good with light steady breezes for the most part, a great day. Kevin Lasley won VFS w a 271-21x score, Tom Fee was 2nd w 270-20xs and Randy Perry was 3rd w 269-19x. William Haskins won Factory w 189-1 score and Sam Hardy won modified with a 258-8 x score. It was good to see everyone and Thanks to all the guys that did the work to make the match happen. They finish up the year next month at 200 with the season champs being crowned after the match. Come out and shoot with them, you won't find a better group of people anywhere.
It was good to be back Cuz'n Roy, :) the people at the Rock are the salt of the earth and it is pleasure to shoot there( even when you do stupid stuff) :)