


were can I get my weaver t36 locked or locking screws put in at..
The scope is almost new and the gun shot better with the old scope so I'm thinking the scope is what is causing a couple shots to drop out to the left.
Any help would be great..
old scope

the old scope is sold. this one is on its way out, I hate weavers half of them are junk!! This is the last one I'll buy.(get what you pay for)

If you say the old ohe is sh-t and then put it in the classifieds and doubt you'll gert many phone calls.
Just a thought
I just wanted to get locking screws put in it so i can trust it wont screw me in a match. It does not always do it just about half the time. The scope does not track well eather.Any thoughts on this scope breakin process I herd about and does it work on fixed power scopes..The process I was told about was if I run my turrets up & down a few times this can help the problems I'm having with mine.Tried it today cant really tell any differance (need screws) Billy Stevens does not do scopes anymore,Great things always come to an end..
hailey, I would call Ron Hoen of Hoen sales. I do not know if he does the Weavers but I know he does the Sightron. If that does not work out try Ed Adams as I know he does the Sightron also but not sure if he does Weavers.
You could send it

To one of the independent repair people and have them fix it, if they can. That way, you would have some idea that it was functioning properly.

I have had the theory that one should shoot a scope for a season and then give it a new home. I haven't done it though. I have a number of scopes that I am pretty sure work the way they are suppose to. The others will get frozen, eventually. I don't want to dump my problems on someone else.

It's a good idea to have a good spare(s).
What about Jackie I herd a long time ago he froze scopes.I would like to keep it as a spare if its in good working order.
I think he quit

And another person is doing them. You need to go through Gene Buckys to get them frozen.

Regarding the screws; they are meant to keep a good scope "Frozen". If your scope isn't reliable, how are you going to be sure where you are, adjustment wise? I had a 6 power Sightron done but don't realy use them. The scope is or without them and it is sort of a pain having to move them and to over or under adjust.