Scope Turret removal

Pete Wass

Well-known member
I picked up a nice old Burris HBR scope a few days ago. If I remember correctly the old shiny black ones have 1/4" click values. I have a set of 1/8" turrets that came out of another Burris I had frozen . Is there any danger of the scope falling apart if I take the turrets out, one at a time and replacing them with the 1/8" click turrets I have on hand? If nothing will come loose I believe I can simply screw the existing ones out and the others in.

Thanks for the help.


I have only worked on Leupold and Sightron. The turrets move erector tube against spring. Nothing should fall out. Nitrogen will escape. You will need to make tool to unscrew so as not damage threads for caps.
Thread damage

The only issue might be damaging the threads if removing them without a proper tool. It can easy to over tighten them as well. Contrary to popular belief nitrogen doesn't stay inside optical systems for long unless special seals are used. A rule of thumb is around 5 years. Argon on the other hand is a different story.


Check the number of clicks first....I have an early model and they are 1/8th clicks even though the turrets only have 4 graduations between the numbers.
