Scope Boost



I have heard of making a 36 power scope like a 45 power. Can anybody give me info on this? I saw the bulzeye adapter but didn't know. I also heard of a place in Texas that could work wonders. I have a weaver 36 but would like more. what do I do?
I have 2 of the Bullseye type, one screw in and one with rubber mount. Got first from Gene Davis and second off internet.
One 3x and one 4x. I like them both.
Yes have different powers. Called 3X, 4X etc. Actually up by .30 or .40 times scope. 36 with 3x equal about 46.8 power.
4x times 36 equals about 50.4 I have both and they work good for 50yd rrimfire.
Call Bulzeye before you spend any money on their products. They are EXTREMELY helpful and will make sure you get the right magnification. It isn't as simple as 4x = 24x on a 6x scope, it has more to do with your eyes and the prescription of your glasses or, not. Call em
Thanks edgerat I thought they may been more. I did hear of a company that would take your scope and up the power.
Premiere used to boost Leupold's but, I believe when they got into their pissin' match with Leupold they decided to dump everything they were doing with them. If you keep an eye on you will find boosted 18-40x leupy's fairly regularly.
gene davis used to sell some also. i dont know if he does any longer?
