Scale of the universe

This is one of my favorite quotes ( slightly modified): "Now my own suspicion is that the Universe is not only stranger than we suppose, but stranger than we can suppose. ..."- J. B. S. Haldane, British geneticist and evolutionary biologist
I do have a question. If the Universe is expanding, as most believe, what is it expanding into. If the Universe has a boundry, what is on the other side of that boundry.

wasn't it Einstein who said if you could see forever in a straight line, you would see the back of your head?? That one always left me scratching mine.

Todsy, another of our what ifs was put to rest. Our local newspaper advised that scientists have proven that a proton can't travel faster than the speed of light, thus turning the lights out on the possibility of time travel.

You & I will never know what happened out there a thousand light years ago.
Not the way I remember it...... I am under the impression that a white dwarf will spend years gaining mass from something near it and then go nova but my POINt is, these aren't just random spontaneous events. Ain't no circumstance where a star just goes POP be it nova, Super Nova or Acadienne..... let's see ya' connect THAT one! ;)


And at least this will get folks looking into it :)

Want to feel really puny? Go to the middle of the Pacific, where there is NO artificial light within 700 Nm in ANY direction, anywhere. It is humbling.

Al, you been reading up on "standard candles?"
Want to feel really puny? Go to the middle of the Pacific, where there is NO artificial light within 700 Nm in ANY direction, anywhere. It is humbling.

Al, you been reading up on "standard candles?"

Yea, I bet it's just AWESOME.... Even at sea level..... I can hardly imagine the beautiful sight..!

Yea, I bet it's just AWESOME.... Even at sea level..... I can hardly imagine the beautiful sight..!



Ill bet its not unlike NM. Especially in winter when theres a large High pressure system present. When Hale bopp was in the sky we would pull the ship out of gear and go dead ship, we called it the "flash light" it was so bright. I sure envy the next generation of captains that get to explore THAT ocean!!!!!!!!!

Hey, just think of the groups they'll shoot in a vacuum :)
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wasn't it Einstein who said if you could see forever in a straight line, you would see the back of your head?? That one always left me scratching mine.


Naaaahhhh, that was Dr Seuss in 'The Big Brag' where the worm looks around the world. Einstein knew that if you could see your own head, it wasn't forever :)


Al, White Dwarfs are generally no more dense than a regular star, they are simply smaller. They generally end their lives as small burned out cinders, lacking the mass to "super nova".

Now, Neutron Stars, they are a different story. They are more dense, and due to the tremendous gravitaional pull, can suck the life out of a companion Star. Most believe that they are the result of a huge star collapsing on it's self after the Super Nova phase occurs. If the star is even more massive, the results can be a Black Hole, and then singularity, where the individule parts of the atom are even compressed by the tremendous gravitational pull.

Whar amazes me is when those that know this stuff talk about the density of these objects. We think that a piece of steel is dense, but in these terms, it is as gasous as a jar full of helium. In Neutron Stars, they say that a piece the size of a typical Automobile would weigh as much as the entire Planet Earth. They never say anything about it's machinability;)

This is REALLY weird stuff. Sometimes I think God is having fun with us..........jackie
"Sometimes I think God is having fun with us..........jackie "

SOMETIMES....................HA...! .... Always...! Just look at my Aggs................ Oh dear Lord..!

In Neutron Stars, they say that a piece the size of a typical Automobile would weigh as much as the entire Planet Earth. They never say anything about it's machinability;)

Wrap your noodle around this one, what would you use to machine it? Somehow I dont think HSS or carbide is going to cut it (no pun) Ethan
yeah I make it a point to drive that stretch at night when I go out west----but this dumb okie will have to ask God about it all later...I dont buy into the "bang"
The universe is BIG and Awesome.....! But I believe going small is too.... Quarks and Leptons have their internal particals / states of energy too... Vast either way..!

Al, I read that our brightest star in the heavens Sirus.... That IF it's companion (a White Dwarf) were a mere 10 or so Astonomical units closer (Astronomical unit = 92,955,807.3 mi the Earth Sun distance..), there would be mass exchange leading to fairly frequent Novas and eventualy to a BIG BOY Type 1A Supernova....... The novas could be harmful to us but the Type 1A would be our swan song........ Sirus is only some 8 - 9 light years away.... Just fortunatly the White Darf companion is just far enough away...!

On the way to Raton, NM for shoots out there, I love to pull over at night in the REALLY dark streches bet Clayton and Raton. Look up and just be amazed at our Galaxy.......... What a SIGHT..!

Someone asked...."If a car was going at the speed of light and the headlights were turned on - what would they look like?"
The light would act like the shock wave that spreads out from a bullet. Directly in front of the car you won't see light because it can't be transmitted to you faster than the speed of light, just like the sound or pressure wave can't be transmitted ahead of the bullet faster than the speed of sound. You would see light from the side of the car, again just like you hear sound spreading out from the side of the bullet. You have to be traveling along with the car at it's velocity otherwise you will just see a flash.

Then Jackie also asked whether things really had color. The answer is..No. Color is a result of a surface reflecting light - the color is in the light not the surface. If we have no light everything is black - which is the absence of color.

Finally the big question was: What's beyond the boundary of our universe, assuming it has a boundary. The answer is: It's whatever you imagine it to be in your mind. Just like God is whatever you imagine him to be. Some imagine beyond the boundary is nothing, just like some imagine there is no God. Others imagine it to be another dimension, or Heaven, or the realm of the gods. All these answers represent reality for the mind they come from. The idea there is some other TRUE reality is false. Each observer, or mind, forms a true reality.