Save the newbies

Chism G

Active member
every new poster that shows up on this site ,by accident or by choice, is a potential Capital B Benchrest Shooter. Ive been hanging around here a long time. Found this site by referral. I asked a lot of questions and was shunned/chastised by a few intolerant regulars.

There is/has been an on going effort to attract new members to the sport. This site provides a look inside, at a rather obscure shooting sport. Many will stop by and take a peep, out of curiosity. Some will stay a while and some will move on to other forums. A friend and I, recently met a shooter at the Rifle range that fits the profile of a new addition to the BR status quo. He was referred to this site. He may or may may not show up, but he got an invitation. He was also provided a list of reading material on the subject.

In our good intentioned efforts to help sanitize the forum activity,we risk the possibility of "throwing the baby out with the bath water."

I like the Sport. Been shooting for twenty years.I have witnessed some regional matches go from 2 relays,at a 20 bench club to one relay. We had 12 people show up at one registered match.
The only way I can think of to address this change in attendance is to make an effort to introduce new shooters to the Sport. There may not be a cure for what I see happening,but at least give it a try. Every active/retired member is a recruiter.

at one time economics was included as one of the reasons for a decline in membership. That probably is true in some circumstances.

I know of five new shooters who I've come to know at our private club who could be described as Benchrest "yuppies". They have purchased all the necessary tools and are attending regional benchrest matches on a regular basis. At my prodding;)

All I'm saying is, explore the possibility of listening to the newbies, even if they dont speak the language,when they knock at the door.

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I agree with what Glenn has posted. Attendance at the four annual group matches at WWCCA outside of Detroit was restricted to three relays because on Sunday a church nearby objected to the sound of gunplay disturbing the sermon and so there would be peace on earth, we didn’t start until 10:00AM. Attendance was further restricted by the fact they had only 18 benches. Simple math tells you the limit was 54 shooters. You had to get registered and your money in by the end of February to be sure you’d be shooting. At the last match last year and for many matches over the last few years they didn’t fill the limit. In fact they had only two relays. This is one example of one club. The dirge goes on. One problem may well be the true count of who is shooting. Counting registered match attendance may not tell the whole story. Are the Russians messing with the count? Many clubs, Harrison and East Tawas included, shoot unregistered matches and so their count may not be figured into the true count. No matter, I think a simple narrow vision look at statistics will confirm we have a problem. At one time within 50 miles of Bloomberg, Pennsylvania there were seven clubs shooting registered IBS matches. On any weekend you could pretty well pick your club. At the IBS Score National at Chippewa, Ohio near Super Shoot there was one, count them, one, IBS member from Pennsylvania at the National. Those who I questioned later all had their reason for not being there but the resounding reason was, it’s too far. Huh?
Long route to take to get to this; Since there are so many smaller ranges holding unregistered matches who cares about organizational rules, why not allow new folks to shoot at the end of the benches with an instructor or coach. You can’t do that by IBS and NBRSA rules unless they’ve changed in the last few years. We all go to a match and want to win but spending a little time with a new guy or gal wouldn’t hurt in the final scheme. An observant range officer, aren’t they all, could keep things safe and of little disturbance to the other shooters.
Why spend $$$$$ on a rifle and equipment to get into a sport you may end up not liking? Why not allow factory rifles at BR matches. As long as the match director is fair and consistent with his rulings, we can settle on what constitutes “Factory Rifle”. And the range down the road could have different factory rules. .After they’ve shot for a while they may buy your extra rifle and if they stay with factory, that’s no big loss. There is one guy at East Tawas that has been shooting his Cooper for seven maybe ten years and no one minds. He gets there at the last minute and he doesn’t set flags and he doesn’t win but no one cares. I still go there going for 250-25X and especially beating Andy Taber and everyone else for that matter. So it’s still capital B Bench Rest and we all go home as friends.
Thank you for starting a civil thread, Glenn.
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At our local range, Dakota Benchrest Shooters, Gene Crisman ran some informal 'fun' Score shoots last year using the IBS/NBRSA style Score targets with two classes, Benchrest and Factory. Attendance was pretty decent, there's more interest for this season and they've added Hunter class as a bunch of us around here used to shoot it. I didn't get to any of them last season due to race date commitments but hope to hit a couple this year.

Since I don't travel to shoot registered matches any longer, this may be ideal for me. The customs are staying at home and it's back to my roots in Factory class with a Sako 22PPC and a Savage. :eek:

Maybe it's 'Back To The Future' for me????
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In our good intentioned efforts to help sanitize the forum activity,we risk the possibility of "throwing the baby out with the bath water."


well there's my cue..... good luck with them "good intentions" guys

may you find a vast pool of "folks like you"
well there's my cue..... good luck with them "good intentions" guys

may you find a vast pool of "folks like you"

Here's a group, "Folks Like You", If you mean Benchrest Shooters. They are shooting benchrest, as I'm typing. Brings back fond memories. Two of the names on this match report are the "Yuppies" I mentioned earlier.

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The battle of San Jacinto has been fought

Congratulations to two newbies Benchrest Shooters, Kyle Shultz and Mike Miller.

Three years ago they didn't know what a score match was.



Kyle brings home the trophy.


Congrats to all the winners/ competitors at the San Jacinto.
Tomball is a tough range to shoot.


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How young was the youngest guy in that picture that Jackie posted and was he one of the new guys? I’m on a mission to get someone new into this game this year.
How young was the youngest guy in that picture that Jackie posted and was he one of the new guys? I’m on a mission to get someone new into this game this year.

Have no clue the youngest in that group. The two that I mentioned are late 40's early 50's. Jackie would probably know.

Does age make a difference? 8 to 80 would be a welcomed addition. The Sport still benefits. Right?

Have no clue the youngest in that group. The two that I mentioned are late 40's early 50's. Jackie would probably know.

Does age make a difference? 8 to 80 would be a welcomed addition. The Sport still benefits. Right?


Agree. I didn't get into competing until 60. Long range and Fclass. I did find a local place that shoots 300 I'm going to try.
I asked the age question for a reason and that was out of curiosity as to whether we or you in Texas are seeing a trend to younger or older beginners. There’s a private range a couple miles up the road and I hear lots of shooting going on from time to time. I went up there a couple times and it was a few black gun yahoos, if I’m not being too snobbish. They seemed to be having a ball. It was foreign to me as about all I shoot is BR matches and a bit of tuning back of the house. I do a little .22lr rimfire off the benches but not too often. I have never seen anyone popping off a bunch with BRrifles just for kicks; it’s all about the match or getting ready for a match and it’s all business. Maybe we need to lighten up a bit. Maybe my brother has the right idea. He just goes to the gravel pit and shoots at rocks. Naturally, the rock he hits is the one he was aiming at. I have the best shooters in the world right in my family. We never miss.
The average beginners age here in the GCR, from what Ive seen, has been about the same since i started back in 1999. 55.

We have a young lady, named Ashley, that shoots VFS at the Tomball and Walker County,tx ranges. Damn good shooter, She regularly kicks Butt. She looks maybe 25.

My buddy that lives and shoots down there, calls me whining about how she whoops up on him.
Texas is a target rich State,if you’re looking to attract new shooters. Take your Benchrest Rifle/gear to the range and you get swarmed by curious onlookers.

I was shooting my .308 PSS at the Rifle Range one day and Russell Rosene and his Dad pulled up with a Benchrest Rifle and loading gear. Ugliest Rifle Id ever laid eyes on.
When I witnessed the tiny groups Russ was shooting,Ive been hooked since.

Which age group? I would say mostly 55 plus, with a sprinkling of younger ages.

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Bringing a guy to the Cactus with me next week that shot a match with me last summer at NORCO. He's in his late fifties and is fascinated with shooting in general and SR BR specifically. He shoots some PRS style matches and finishes mid pack. I think if he has some success at bench shooting we'll have a new participant. Many of you on this site have sponsored and/or mentored a new shooter, it goes without saying that you know there's some work in it but I think it's the only way to bring new people in. Bring them to a match, provide them the equipment, supplies and instruction and see how they like it. Oh, if there's any jerks around try to steer them clear, like anything else we have our share.

Richard Brensing is currently trying to grow a club and mentor a bunch of new guys at his place in Kansas, I really hope his effort is succesful. He's put in a lot of work!

Yes, I know Richard. Met him at a match up at Luther,Okla. Good Guy.
He invited me(RSVP) to come up to his Range in Kansas and shoot a night shoot.
I had to cancel due to an unexpected scheduling conflict. Sure hate I missed it. Sure hope his plan to recruit new members works out.

Glen, if you missed your chance to shoot at Richards, he has invited me to his next match and I would gladly let you have my spot if you want it. Now don't get me wrong I do want to shoot the match, but I've been 2 or 3 times and if I have to sit out so someone else can enjoy that night shoot I'm more than happy to let you do it. I will probably still show up just to watch and help if I can because I'm only about 2 hrs away. 300 yds at night is a real kick in the pants.
Glen, if you missed your chance to shoot at Richards, he has invited me to his next match and I would gladly let you have my spot if you want it. Now don't get me wrong I do want to shoot the match, but I've been 2 or 3 times and if I have to sit out so someone else can enjoy that night shoot I'm more than happy to let you do it. I will probably still show up just to watch and help if I can because I'm only about 2 hrs away. 300 yds at night is a real kick in the pants.

Thanks a bunch Dennis. Your offer is much appreciated. l'll see how things go this season. Slowing down a lot. 300 under lights peaked my interest.:D

Your response is typical of what’s made me welcome to this fun Sport. I try to pass this welcome on to new shooters who show an interest in the Sport.

Hope to see you at a match this year.
