Save The Date... 2018 N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region Annual Meeting - Sat. November 3rd

Hello Eastern Region Team!

Our N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region leadership team, consisting of Stan Buchtel, Lee Hachigian and myself, will host our annual meeting on Saturday November 3rd at 10:00AM at the Cabela’s location in Dundee, MI.

Donuts/Coffee and a Lunch will be provided to all who attend.

Our agenda for our annual meeting is as follows:

- Call to Order ~ Opening Remarks
- Review of 2017 Eastern Region Meeting Minutes
- N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region 2018 Treasurer's Report Review
- Review of Old Business
- Review of New Business
- NBRSA Year-over-Year Membership Update
- Review of BOD Voting Results on all Agenda Items submitted by NBRSA Membership
- 2019 N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region Group Match Schedule Review
- Open Q&A
- Eastern Region Membership Top Shooter Performances in 2018:
- 2018 Eastern Region Small Groups, Aggregates, Grands and 2-Gun Awards
- 2018 Eastern Region "Shooter of The Year" Awards
- 2018 Eastern Region "Rookie of the Year" Award
- 2018 Eastern Region Charles Delassandro “Ironman” Award
- 2018 Shooter Loyalty Incentive Reward Prize Drawing
- Close

C'mon out to our annual meeting to review this past year's Eastern Region events, awards and...plans for next year with all your Eastern Region friends!

Jack Neary
N.B.R.S.A. Eastern Region, Director
Great to see that you hold an annual meeting for all members in your region, and there is a planned agenda.
Truly ashame that all the NBRSA directors don’t take their job as a leader as seriously as you.
Great to see that you hold an annual meeting for all members in your region, and there is a planned agenda.
Truly ashame that all the NBRSA directors don’t take their job as a leader as seriously as you.

Jack does a incredible job. I plan on attending.
Yes Jack does a good job as Director, but the Eastern Region has always held a annual meeting every year that I can remember. It is what every region should do and be required to do. It is a requirement in the Eastern Region to have this meeting and it works great for setting match schedules and to go over what as happened at the B.O.D.'s meeting. Discussions on past and future of what the E.R. members would like to see NBRSA and the region do or attempt to do. Meetings usual last 2-4 hours.

No, all regions do not have this type of meeting. Typically the regional director will hold a meeting during a shoot, like at the end of the day after everyone is done shooting. Some directors like mine has little communication with shooters other than an occasional email. I held shoots for 2 years, total 8 shoots and a long range score nationals and our director never attended any of them, nor did he hold a meeting at any of the matches I attended including a match at his home range.
The problem with a meeting at a shoot is people are tired from shooting all day and want to go eat dinner so the meetings are short, and generally produce little in the form of improvements to any regional problems, or issues.
I seriously doubt anything will change in the future but there should at least be a discussion about the necessity to have meetings like Jack holds. Keeping the status quo for other regions is always the easy route for directors that see no reason to change anything!
How many times have I heard, "IF IT IS NOT BROKE, WHY FIX IT". Can you just feel if Christopher Columbus felt this way. Oh well, what do I know.
I can't imagine how a director could go to the annual meeting and vote without having a meeting, somehow, somewhere, with the regional members that cared to show up. I think that's just the way I'm wired and not necessarily so in all cases. I suppose if the director is not going to vote as his members wish there's no real reason to have a meeting. That said, I'll make a disqualifier to what I wrote here...Things ain't what they used to be and I don't really know what I'm talking about. I just think I do....
Riverwolf1, whoever you are. The ER Meeting is a nice opportunity for members to celebrate the accomplishments within the region. However, it’s typically attended by a relative small percentage of members due to location. Most people won’t travel greater than 3 hours for a short meeting (even if donuts are provide). Maybe in the future when us old guys finally learn to use the web with a computer, tablet, or smartphone, Directors can host web-meetings?. Then everyone in the region can participate.

Yes, Jack does puts his heart into his Director’s responsibilities. Thanks Jack!

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