Savage Rifles From Walmart

Being new at rifles, you are also new where triggers are concerned. You will learn that a trigger with a light pull that releases cleanly rather than creeping will help you shoot better. Be sure the Savage has accutrigger - easy to tell because the trigger is two piece with a silver center piece in a black external piece. If the trigger is one piece and all black, it isn't accutrigger. Savages usually shoot very well - often better than much more expensive rifles. They shoot better because their design promotes accuracy.
dont be scared to by a savage

articrafter regardless what anyone tells you savage rifles dominate any and all stock / factory classes. I will shoot my savage against any factory gun this includes remington 40xs and coopers. Years ago I was remington man but no more. Dont be woryed about the price of a savage I have won enough to pay for all my savages. Team savage shooter Jason Hunt
Jason Hunt


I read you a good shot at the Jamboree and won the modified class. Congrats. What did you shoot? 223 or 22-250? What the heck is the modified class and how did the other Savage shooter place overall? I can find any info on the Jamboree other than a couple of pics and a Top 5 in each class.

info on jamboree

tiny go to varmit hunter .org then enter forum . go to jamboree discussion. it will have alist of all the winners. if you have not ever been I highly reccomend it. It will be the best week you will ever have. I think the equipment list only comes out in their magazine. It is a well run shoot. You will meet some very nice people and some crackerjack shots.