Savage bolt head on Remington bolt. Here's how I did it.

'course I remember....... "call him drunken Gabby Hayes/ he won't answer anymore/ not the whisk'y drinkin' indian/ nor the M'rine that went to war......."

He died in a ditch, a lonely PIMA indian....

or not


This post will be read by savage lovers as pure Blastphemy, But I have been playing with a savage for some time, making changes
often. I did away with the floating bolt head, actually pressing it into the body, and found no difference in its performance.
I almost converted one of my M700s to a Savage bolt face. Not for the interchangebility, but for the safety with the SAKO extractor. I'd guess that safety is one of the bigger reasons that shooters make the change. Being able to change bolt faces sounds good on the surface but I'll bet the average shooter seldom does it.

Gabby Hayes was also famous for calling someone an ornery sidewinder. That seems to be a compliment now-a-days.

Al - Not nice to mock one of our country's Medal Of Honor winners.

Alinwa: It would take pages to exsplain how the live steady was made. Look at the thread grinding jig that will only grind a a perfect tool. The steady recutting the action thread. I was a full time firefighter for 32 years. I did learn to look before I jumped. If you turn on any machine without looking, you deserve what you get. I also worked part time, 10 years as a funeral home attendant. Why don;t you explain careless to me.
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Since I didn't get an answer

Did you have to modify the firing pin or the Savage bolt head for firing pin? - nhk

I took apart a 200? Remington 700 short action bolt and a >2003 Savage short action bolt. The Savage baffle has a flange and the Remington bolt head has a groove. The Remington firing pin does not fit the Savage bolt head or bolt head retaining pin. The <2002 Savage used a bigger firing pin, does the Remington firing pin fit that bolt head and retaining pin? Conclusion: If I want a Savage bolt head I'll buy (another) Savage or a Bighorn action. - nhk
Mock? Not nice? Guess I don't get it.....




Al - From the dictionary. Mock:: attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively.

Or, maybe you don't get it? The US Marine was Ira Hayes. Won the MOH in WW II on Iwo Jima.
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"""Long-winded thoughts ..."""

ReedG, Good stuff...! Good contibution..

Mr. Johnson, Fine work..!

I know a fellow who is looking HARD at one of the new Shilen actions.... Rem platform with floating bolt head..


Al - From the dictionary. Mock:: attack or treat with ridicule, contempt, or derision. ridicule by mimicry of action or speech; mimic derisively.

Or, maybe you don't get it? The US Marine was Ira Hayes. Won the MOH in WW II on Iwo Jima.

I know 'mock.'

I know Ira Hayes.

I know Johnny Cash.

I don't know what you're driving at.


nhkuehl: You use the older rem. without the anti-bind bolt rail. Also use the older savage bolt head with it's larger firing pin, and retaing pin. Then you need only to turn down the Rem. pin to work with the the larger Sav. retaing pin. Then set firing pin protrusion. You need to bore out the Rem. bolt to take the shank of the savage head. Saw off the Rem head at the part line.
Ray, Al is a pretty subtle guy. He's gently mocking you, not Ira Hayes. I've been on the other end of A's barbs too.

So, enough on the sidetrack, OK? (I'll allow I found it fun to wander down that path too.)

Charles (one of the red-necked prudes)

nhkuehl: You use the older rem. without the anti-bind bolt rail. Also use the older savage bolt head with it's larger firing pin, and retaing pin. Then you need only to turn down the Rem. pin to work with the the larger Sav. retaing pin. Then set firing pin protrusion. You need to bore out the Rem. bolt to take the shank of the savage head. Saw off the Rem head at the part line.

Thank you. That's what I needed to know. - nhk
last year I decided I wanted to shoot VFS and I wanted a 30BR I new that being retired on a fixed income I did not want to spend a ton of money starting out on a action I have several Savages and one Rem 700 all shoot good, I knew all the custom actions are great but the $1000 to $1400 hundred I did not want to spend, knowing that many barrel MFG's see and true up many actions so calling Krieger barrel and talking to one of their guys I made my decision to go with the Savage Target action, I asked what he thought of the Savage compaired to Rem 700 he said many of the savages he checked did not need to be trued or blue printed they were right on from the factory, then we had a Krieger barrel put on, and I bought a $200 stock from Stock Aid Stocks unfinished I then fitted the barreled action to the stock and bedded it useing arcaglass, I practice at 200 yards I am not the best bench shooter yet need better resting equipment but it will shoot 1/4 moa and my best has been .18 moa 200 yards, I took it to it's first match and the gun told me what I needed to know it can shoot a perfect score as far as points are concerned I had many mistakes at 100 yards pulling one in the 4 ring i knew i was out of the contest then because I knew these guys are good, but I came back well at 200 with some mistakes mostly my dam bag moving on me and shot 242 10th out of 20 shooters. That made me feel better after the disaster at 100 we had a good 20mph wind, I have a MCmillin stock coming UpS tomorrow so it is up to me now to get my trigger pull right and my rest I know the gun will do it. To be in top 10 i have to shoot 498 or better , better being 500.Since I have a 200 yard range in my back yard i plan to practice all winter and learn to shoot a lighter trigger pull mine is 2 lbs now.
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"Since I have a 200 yard range in my back yard i plan to practice all winter and learn to shoot a lighter trigger pull mine is 2 lbs now."

You are blessed, but say'n that I'm sure you worked your tail off for the property..!

Get yourself a good rear Benchrest bag and a quality front Benchrest rest... a Sharp Shooters 2oz evolution trigger on that rig (Fred will install AND time the action to the trigger.... BIG TIME RECOMMENDED!)

Go gettem!