Salem IR50/50 Results 8/7, 10 shooters, 11 250's


New member
Sorry it took me so long to post this. The defecation impacted the rotary oscillator around here Sun. evening and I just never got around to it. Anyway, here it is.

We had 10 shooters for both matches, pretty good conditions, and alot of fun. Bill Buskey shot 4 of the 11 250's himself and won both matches shooting 749-47X in the 3-gun and 748-49X in the UL match. Good shooting Bill. We knew who you were all along;)

Here's the top 3 for each class, complete results will be submitted to IR50/50 as soon as I am done with this post.

Bill Buskey--------250-14X
Pete Roberson----248-10X
Tim Wagner------246-10X
An Eck gun sweep, if I'm not mistaken.

Ken Henderson------250-14X
Bill Buskey----------249-17X
Bob Griffin----------249-14X

Bill Buskey---------250-16X fm-2, 2nd miss 8
Pete Roberson-----250-16X fm-2, 2nd miss 4
Bob Griffin---------250-14X

Ken Henderson-----250-19X
Bob Griffin---------250-18X
Bill Buskey---------250-17X
How's that for competition!!!

Bill Buskey--------250-14X
Fred Blank--------249-15X
Jack Sysmaszek---248-6X

Pete Roberson-----250-18X
Todd Banks--------250-16X(gotta clean my bolt more often:eek: )
Fred Blank---------249-17X (Wolf MT, no tuner, factory barreled Suhl!)

Hope everyone had a good time and hope to see everyone at the next one!
way to go guys good shooting,and congrats on your world shooting,you guys all done good,Bob.
Way to go Fred, right in there with the custom guns... with your factory Suhl 150 and Nashua plumbers tape...outstanding .