Salem IR50/50 3-Gun and UL, 5/25


New member
Salem will be hosting it's first SOTY matches of the year on Sunday, with what sounds to be the best weather we'll have all year. Bright sunshine, mid 70's and light winds....ok, I made that last part up:p I don't really know what the wind is supposed to do on Sunday, but it sounded good, didn't it?

I'll be at the range around 8am, sign in as you arrive, and the 3-gun will commence promptly at 10am. If you plan to attend, please drop me a note here or e-mail me so I can have enough food.

As always, soda and water will be available all day and lunch will be served between the 3-gun and UL matches. Since it's a holiday weekend, we'll be firing up the grill and cooking up some Nathan's hot dogs and serving up Potato and/or Macaroni salad.

I hope we have another good turnout. I KNOW we'll have a good time!
Salem Ir-50/50 Shoot

Hi Todd,
I'll be there, along with another shooter. His name is Mike Tunis (my father). We already have the "understanding" that I get the high score, Sorry dad...Ha! Nothing better than Two Blind
Hey Mike,
So far, you're in the lead for the "Introducing the Most New Shooters to RFBR at Salem" award for this year! Does your Dad have everything he needs as far as equipment goes? I've got a full extra set if he needs anything. Just let me know and I'll throw it in the truck.
See you Sunday!
I'll be there Todd. Looking forward to shooting with you "top guns" again.

It looks like another good turnout for Sunday, folks. We'll be very close to filling the benches for the UL match again. I still don't know what the winds will be, but Sunday is supposed to be the nicest day of the holiday weekend. I'm headed out for a camping trip tomorrow evening and won't be online till Monday, so if anyone needs me to bring any of the loaner gear, give me a call on my cell@518-796-0768.
See everyone on Sun.