Salem Indoor Results 1/29, Fourteen 250's, Two 750's


New member
We had a good turnout for our indoor match yesterday with 6 shooters in attendance. Pete Roberson, Art Binley and Ed Hosier all received new Thomas rifles last week and boy, did they shoot the lights out! Paul Bendix also attended the match with Thomas BR #2, and between the 4 of them, they racked up thirteen 250's and two 750's. You'd have to shoot in our drafty indoor range to appreciate just what an accomplishment that is!
Ed is a very accomplished Rimfire Benchrest shooter but this was his first attempt at Air Rifle BR. He fired 5 shots at 50' at his home range to get sighted in, drove 2.5hrs to Salem, and proceeded to shoot a 750 on his first set of HV targets! Pete Roberson had to wait till his second set of targets to shoot his 750, agging 1499-104X for 6 targets! Paul wasn't far behind with a 1498-95X agg, including a match high 250-23X.

Here are the complete results, with everybody shooting two HV matches except for Paul and John who both maxed out their allowed number of HV targets, a rule I highly disagree with.

HV Match 1:
Ed Hosier (Thomas BR)- 250-6X, 250-10X, 250-17X= 750-33X
Pete Roberson (Thomas BR)- 250-17X, 250-17X, 249-16X= 749-50X
Paul Bendix (Thomas BR)- 249-13X, 250-13X, 250-12X= 749-38X
Art Binley (Thomas BR)- 250-17X, 247-14X, 248-15X= 745-46X
Todd Banks (TM-1000X)- 248-10X, 250-12X, 246-12X= 744-34X
John French (AA HFT500)- 245-6X, 246-12X, 246-5X= 737-23X

HV Match 2:
Pete Roberson- 250-18X, 250-20X, 250-16X= 750-54X
Ed Hosier- 248-11X, 249-13X, 247-13X= 744-37X
Todd Banks (TM-1000)- 245-8X, 248-8X, 247-6X= 740-22X
Art Binley- 207-6X, 248-10X, 249-9X= 704-25X

Paul Bendix- 250-23X, 250-18X, 249-16X= 749-57X

We shoot every Wed. evening and Sunday morning at Salem and anyone is welcome to join us whenever you have a chance. We have equipment to loan, just let us know in advance what you need.
Todd Banks
Damn that's some good shooting.

If I come to a match in Feb will you and John hold a FT match in March? Obviously if there if too much snow, or rain? in the mix then no worries. I'll show up to a shoot in Feb anyways.
Salem Sunday Match

Thanks for running the indoor matches at Salem had a Great time!
Pete's new Thomas in Green.

ED's new Thomas in a new Blue

Art has a Black Thomas all with the Adj. Transfer port and Mike's New Trigger.
Lots of new toys.
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Congrates to everyone.
Looks like you had a great shoot.
And Paul, a 250-23X? Really? And isn't that your second 23X target with that gun? Too bad you've used up all your "good" ammo. Guess you'll have to settle on X-counts only in the mid to upper teens from here on.
Pete Art and Ed, congrates on your new guns, and on what you did with them at the match.
After shooting against the Thomas' for 2 years and seeing how much they've done to improve our sport, not to mention how much they can improve a shooter's scores, I may just have to get me one. Maybe in Black? Or Blue?
