Sad Day

Amen Jackie
Its also sad and quite heartless to see the left already trying to politize it instead of grieving for the victims and families.
The question that comes back to me over and over is what has happened over the last 50 years or so to make it possible for a person's brain to conceive of such a horrific act? A guy at work today reminded me that when we were kids, you could buy a fully functional .50 caliber machine gun from an ad in the back of a comic book. That may have been an exaggeration, but it wasn't far off. We didn't have these kinds of events with such regularity back then.

Is it chemicals in the water, in our medicine cabinets, in the food? Is it a steady erosion of morality or belief in God? Is it a desire to go out in a blaze of social media glory? Whatever it is, something is very different.
What's happened?

The only thing that has not been considered is the ever increasing population. People need food and it's in short supply. The seas are overfished, farmland is smaller in order to create more housing, etc. The rich get richer and the poor have more children. In any event it's something to consider as we try to avoid the senseless road to war and the increasing atomic threats.

Just thinking,

PS......I forgot to mention different beliefs.
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Is it chemicals in the water, in our medicine cabinets, in the food? Is it a steady erosion of morality or belief in God? Is it a desire to go out in a blaze of social media glory? Whatever it is, something is very different.

All of the above.

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The question that comes back to me over and over is what has happened over the last 50 years or so to make it possible for a person's brain to conceive of such a horrific act? A guy at work today reminded me that when we were kids, you could buy a fully functional .50 caliber machine gun from an ad in the back of a comic book. That may have been an exaggeration, but it wasn't far off. We didn't have these kinds of events with such regularity back then.

Is it chemicals in the water, in our medicine cabinets, in the food? Is it a steady erosion of morality or belief in God? Is it a desire to go out in a blaze of social media glory? Whatever it is, something is very different.

This. AR-15 type weapons have been available to the public since the mid 60s, yet it's only been in recent years that they have started to become a weapon of choice for criminals. As far back as I can remember, guns were fairly readily accessible, but nobody used them for the type of carnage we see now. Back in the early 70s when I was in grad school in Milwaukee, I rode a train from Winona, MN to Milwaukee. With me I had 3 long guns wrapped in a blanket. Upon arriving in Milwaukee, I walked a couple blocks, hopped onto a public bus to my apartment. Not a word was said about my luggage the entire time.

There seems to be a big change in societal evolution the last 50 years that isn't for the better.

Don't forget those ARs were modified to shoot full auto. That S.O.B. was a smart physco. He didn't walk into the crowd of people and start shooting. He was on perch where nobody could get to him until he had killed a bunch of folks. That's the worst kind. That is not a compliment. Now the gun control crowd has already started those poor folks aren't even buried yet. Its always the guns fault. Doug

Could it be a streak of bad luck at the Poker table? Its conceivable.

The Press,as usual, is sensationalizing this atrocity for its own gains. (RATINGS). The Politicians will follow with their twisted interpretation of societal ills. Millions of tax payer dollars will be spent, trying to explain/prevent a problem that can’t be fixed.

The question that comes back to me over and over is what has happened over the last 50 years or so to make it possible for a person's brain to conceive of such a horrific act? A guy at work today reminded me that when we were kids, you could buy a fully functional .50 caliber machine gun from an ad in the back of a comic book. That may have been an exaggeration, but it wasn't far off. We didn't have these kinds of events with such regularity back then.

Is it chemicals in the water, in our medicine cabinets, in the food? Is it a steady erosion of morality or belief in God? Is it a desire to go out in a blaze of social media glory? Whatever it is, something is very different.


I've thought about what you're alluding to for years. Years ago, you used to be able to buy a gun through the mail. There were handguns with high-capacity magazines. There were no waiting periods or background checks. There weren't mass shootings. So what changed?

Us. We did.

As society has gotten more "progressive" (read liberal)...and nobody can argue that it hasn't...we've lost our moral True North. Behaviors that were unconscionable 50 years ago, are commonplace today. Men, deciding that they're a woman for the day, and using the women's rest room. Bruce Jenner gets a "courage" award for becoming a trans-testicle. We legalize abortion and give an ugly happening like taking the life of a child the euphemism of "choice". This countries tolerance for crime and criminals is appalling. We think people who sell heroin to our children shouldn't go to prison because it is a "Non-violent drug crime" (anybody who thinks the drug world is non-violent has their head up their ass). People who steal others hard-earned property shouldn't go to prison because it is a "Non-violent property crime". We've declared war on our police, accuse them of "systemic racism" but offer no proof, yet won't admit to, or address, the dysfunction in the black community (Can't offend them...have to keep them voting democratic). Those who are smart, successful, and rich are demonized, labeled greedy, and the public is told they are not doing "their fair share" (despite employing God knows how many people, and paying an exorbitant amount in taxes). We are ill-equipping our children for real life by insisting that everybody get participation trophies, and that there are no winners and losers. They never realize that there are going to be people in life that are smarter, better looking, more athletic, are going to have more money, and have the head cheerleader for a girlfriend. And when they "grow up" and encounter real life, they have no idea how to deal with it, get disgruntled, and start assigning blame elsewhere. Or worse. Professional athletes kneel during the playing of the National Anthem in protest of perceived mistreatment and it's "courageous", but when the President takes them to task for it and defends the flag and National Anthem, it's "divisive". If you disagree with the party of "tolerance" on a subject, you are labeled "intolerant", a "racist", and accused of "hate" (The left have "opinions". The right has "biases" and "prejudices". They are tolerant, long as you agree with them lock-step). And, thanks to the left, it has become the era of irresponsibility. Nobody takes blame for their actions. It's Bush's fault. It's Trump's fault. It's the Republicans fault. It's the gun's fault, not the shooter (You see, his mommy didn't hug him enough). It's the rich people's fault. It's the cop's fault. It's "white privilege's" fault. It's society's fault. It is somebody, or something else's fault, never assigning blame to that which rightly deserves it. If you say something over and over, eventually people take it as the truth.

I could go on and on...

That, in my humble opinion, is what changed.

Forget about losses at the tables. He transferred a lot of money to the Philippines.
If you check the facts-54% more guns since 1994 and 49% less gun homicides.
We just have a big moral decay in our country.
Odd happening now

I was just on YouTube about 30 minutes ago looking at a Kevin Van Dam bass fishing video. Along the edge there was a video calling the Las Vegas shooting a false flag. I clicked on that and up popped several more videos about the shooting being a false flag operation. Looked further and found about two dozen videos along the same tilt??


Its anybody's guess as to Why

At this early stage in the investigation, its important for Law Enforcement to identify a motive, in order to channel resources in the right direction. (Basic investigator training)

The fact that the perpetrator transferred money to an unknown recipient prior to the incident does not eliminate the possibility that he was a Compulsive Gambler. According to the experts, Compulsive Gambling is an addiction that can cause severe mental break down. This guy probably stopped going to Gamblers anonymous meetings a long time ago.

Many years ago,I lost money in a Las Vegas Casino. More money than I could afford to lose.

I can tell you the depression lasted a long time. I have not gambled like that since.

Don't forget those ARs were modified to shoot full auto. That S.O.B. was a smart physco. He didn't walk into the crowd of people and start shooting. He was on perch where nobody could get to him until he had killed a bunch of folks. That's the worst kind. That is not a compliment. Now the gun control crowd has already started those poor folks aren't even buried yet. Its always the guns fault. Doug

Bump stock. Go to youtube. And listen to the vids.....Bump stock totally legal. Till he started to murder people.....

Maybe I'm not supposed to say this on here, but look at what is always covered up by the media. Isis quickly claimed responsibility for the shooting, saying that Stephen Paddock had converted over to Islam within the last few months. If this is truly the reason behind the mass shooting, our country better wake up.

This. AR-15 type weapons have been available to the public since the mid 60s, yet it's only been in recent years that they have started to become a weapon of choice for criminals.

BS leftist lie. Rifles are used in very few crimes. 5-8%. It's just the first step to full confiscation.
Ever wonder, why in a big drug bust, the cops always display the guns? And no one was shoot or killed. The guns are to protect from others stealing the drugs. Not to shoot the cops. It's very rare to hear about a shoot out with drug suppliers. Bad for business. And the druggies never go to jail for the gun crimes....
Maybe I'm not supposed to say this on here, but look at what is always covered up by the media. Isis quickly claimed responsibility for the shooting, saying that Stephen Paddock had converted over to Islam within the last few months. If this is truly the reason behind the mass shooting, our country better wake up.

ISIS has it's own News Org/wire system. And it is almost always correct. They have said they can't trust the DRIVE BYS to report the news accurately...

Funny thing.....I am sure some have heard this before.
FBI says not ISIS or a democrat.
12 hours have past....
But, the Feds(all of them) are sure there was collusion in the election. Comey said the FBI was not even doing an investigation....After Comey gets fired, Now we have a FULL BLOWN BS INVESTIGATION.
I hope Jeff Sessions takes all of the Mueller reports and gives them to a bunch of Conservative hacks and starts prosecuting the DNC and everyone involved....He will need a BIG ASS JAIL.

So how about Election fraud. Is that political?

I've thought about what you're alluding to for years. Years ago, you used to be able to buy a gun through the mail. There were handguns with high-capacity magazines. There were no waiting periods or background checks. There weren't mass shootings. So what changed?

Us. We did.

As society has gotten more "progressive" (read liberal)...and nobody can argue that it hasn't...we've lost our moral True North. Behaviors that were unconscionable 50 years ago, are commonplace today. Men, deciding that they're a woman for the day, and using the women's rest room. Bruce Jenner gets a "courage" award for becoming a trans-testicle. We legalize abortion and give an ugly happening like taking the life of a child the euphemism of "choice". This countries tolerance for crime and criminals is appalling. We think people who sell heroin to our children shouldn't go to prison because it is a "Non-violent drug crime" (anybody who thinks the drug world is non-violent has their head up their ass). People who steal others hard-earned property shouldn't go to prison because it is a "Non-violent property crime". We've declared war on our police, accuse them of "systemic racism" but offer no proof, yet won't admit to, or address, the dysfunction in the black community (Can't offend them...have to keep them voting democratic). Those who are smart, successful, and rich are demonized, labeled greedy, and the public is told they are not doing "their fair share" (despite employing God knows how many people, and paying an exorbitant amount in taxes). We are ill-equipping our children for real life by insisting that everybody get participation trophies, and that there are no winners and losers. They never realize that there are going to be people in life that are smarter, better looking, more athletic, are going to have more money, and have the head cheerleader for a girlfriend. And when they "grow up" and encounter real life, they have no idea how to deal with it, get disgruntled, and start assigning blame elsewhere. Or worse. Professional athletes kneel during the playing of the National Anthem in protest of perceived mistreatment and it's "courageous", but when the President takes them to task for it and defends the flag and National Anthem, it's "divisive". If you disagree with the party of "tolerance" on a subject, you are labeled "intolerant", a "racist", and accused of "hate" (The left have "opinions". The right has "biases" and "prejudices". They are tolerant, long as you agree with them lock-step). And, thanks to the left, it has become the era of irresponsibility. Nobody takes blame for their actions. It's Bush's fault. It's Trump's fault. It's the Republicans fault. It's the gun's fault, not the shooter (You see, his mommy didn't hug him enough). It's the rich people's fault. It's the cop's fault. It's "white privilege's" fault. It's society's fault. It is somebody, or something else's fault, never assigning blame to that which rightly deserves it. If you say something over and over, eventually people take it as the truth.

I could go on and on...

That, in my humble opinion, is what changed.


Very Very well said