SACRAMENTO Match Results


Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters
Sacramento Valley Shooting Facility
June 4&5 2022
We shot our second group match of the year this weekend, The Bob Dorton Memorial Four Gun. The match is named for one of our club members who was dedicated to the range. Bob Dorton drove his tractor to move and set up the frames and moving backer system. With his loss , no target crew, and no one else getting any younger, the frames proved to difficult to move and set up. The decision was made to build light weight frames out of aluminum and go to an electronic baker system. With the help and design guidance from Greg Wilson and Lane Buxton. This system allowed for easy set up and range operation, the down fall was the NBRSA does not allow an E backer, so the matches became unregistered.

Here is the new frame

Notice the sensors in the corners and the hub in the middle. The hub transmits the data back to the tablet

Here is the view from the tablet

The tablet shows the frame with the four targets per frame ABCD, it tracks the shots and you can see the recap in the upper right box . ACD all have 5 shots in the target

For the match we shot SP and LV this month , and will shoot HV and UNL next month. We shot SP and LV 100 Sat and 200 Sun. weather was nice Sat , but breezy and some rain on Sun. We had 11 shooters Sat and 8 on Sun
Sporter 100 was up first, small group was .144 by Steve Epstein. Steve had three of the 5 small groups and won with a .2260 Agg. Greg Wilson was second with a .2562 and Bob Eicher was third with a .3272

LV 100 was all Steve Epstein again, getting 3 of 5 small groups and .188 small group got him a ..2366 Agg for first Place. Michael Taner was second with a .3196, and Greg Wilson was third with a .3252
Sunday morning was LV 200 first, Greg Wilson got 4/5 match winners and a .374 small group for a .2792 First Place win. Steve Epstein was second with a .2894 and Dan Lutke was third with a .3340

LV grand Agg went to Steve Epstein with a .2630, Greg Wilson second with a .3022, and Dan Lutke third with a .3426
Sporter 200 was tough to shoot, lots of wind mirage and rain. Small group was a .401 by Greg Wilson. First Place was Steve Epstein with a .3197, second was Greg Wilson with a .3232, and third was Ron Pepper with a .3688. Sporter Grand Agg went to Steve Epstein with a .2729, A NEW RANGE RECORD, second was Greg Wilson with a .2897, and third was Dan Lutke with a .4000

The Two gun Grand Agg was won by Steve Epstein with a .2679, second was Greg Wilson with a .2959, and third went to Dan Lutke with a .3713

Dan Lutke
Match Director
Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters

Winners pic Sat

L to R Greg Wilson - Steve Epstein - Michael Taner

Greg Wilson - Steve Epstein - Ron Pepper
Congratulations to the winners.
The electronic marker system is quite interesting. Would it be capable of doing 5 targets or is 4 the limit. This could work very well for small clubs holding informal matches with out any sand bagging.
John VM
Please post more of the technical details of your setup. It looks like that is the Shotmaker system? Did you hand score the targets and compare to the electronic measurement? Thanks for taking the bold step into the future.
Please post more of the technical details of your setup. It looks like that is the Shotmaker system? Did you hand score the targets and compare to the electronic measurement? Thanks for taking the bold step into the future.

Agree with your statement "Taking the bold step into the Future".
The small ranges with small staff would welcome something easier than the traditional system that is difficult for us 80+ year olds.
We could write the check easier than do all the heavy lifting/work.

I would like to see the NBRSA/ IBS try electronic target system on at least a trial basis.
I will contact my regional representive, maybe you could contact your regional representive and if enough interest is present maybe, maybe, MAYBE!!!!!!

I can see where "scoring" (measuring) may be in the future, but it appears a 'no brainer' in place of a moving backer: it appears that the sensors were positioned to 'count' only record shots is this correct? RG
I can see where "scoring" (measuring) may be in the future, but it appears a 'no brainer' in place of a moving backer: it appears that the sensors were positioned to 'count' only record shots is this correct? RG

I can't answer your question.
Maybe the crew from Sacramento will chime in with your answer??
To answer questions:
System is set up with four tagets per frame, new software interfave would be needed to do 5 targets
Our range was set up with four targets per frame, this gives room for flags and limiysts the angle ypu have to shoot at
Yes, it is the shot marker system. I do noy know what technical info you need. System is box ready to use, they have videos on thier website
The four sensors in the corners send info to the hub at center of frame, info sent back to tablet at scores desk
Tragets were scored manually. System is not set up to measure to BR specs at this time. We are tricking the system by having four targets on the board, so measuring in our application would not work
Yes, system is et up to just count shots, and get rid of heavy metal frames and backers
Agenda item has been submitted for 2022 BOD meeting
Please let me know if you still have questions

Dan Lutke
Match Director
Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters
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To answer questions:
System is set up with four tagets per frame, new software interfave would be needed to do 5 targets
Our range was set up with four targets per frame, this gives room for flags and limiysts the angle ypu have to shoot at
Yes, it is the shot marker system. I do noy know what technical info you need. System is box ready to use, they have videos on thier website
The four sensors in the corners send info to the hub at center of frame, info sent back to tablet at scores desk
Tragets were scored manually. System is not set up to measure to BR specs at this time. We are tricking the system by having four targets on the board, so measuring in our application would not work
Yes, system is et up to just count shots, and get rid of heavy metal frames and backers
Agenda item has been submitted for 2022 BOD meeting
Please let me know if you still have questions
Dan Lutke
Match Director
Sloughhouse Benchrest Shooters
Does the system count all shots by a shooter (Record and Sighters)
Or does it just count shoots on the record portion of the target?
What did it cost to record shots on 4 targets (Sorry if this is privilege info)
Good luck on your submission to BOD
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“Technical Data”

Since i am the one who put the system together, so maybe I can help out with a few of the “technical” questions.
First off, as some have already commented our club decided to invest in new technology rather then rebuild our old, heavy, hard to move, difficult to setup, etc, mechanical backers. This obviously ran afoul with NBRSA rules & refs, so we decided to “unregister” this years matches. As Dan mentioned most of us are getting older, and there are fewer of us to do the work. New system 2 guys and a p/u can setup in 30 minutes. The frames weigh in at @ 30 lbs, and are constructed with heavy wall (11 gauge) 1” aluminum tube with coroplast faces.
With the help of Lane Buxton, who new Adam at Shotmarker from F-Class shooting he and Adam worked on what I think is an elegant way to record shots. The target face Adam developed for us is set up as a 4x8 frame, but if you look at the tablet screen shot you will notice our 3x8 frames centered in the target face. This is adjusted in the software.
We are only using the system as a “e-backer”. Although the averages we checked while testing were suprisingly accurate, they are no where near capable of being used in a match as an end result. That technology is coming some day, just not here yet. (At least not affordable!). As you can see the record shots in the A-B-C-D show up in the score box, while sighter regardless of who shot them count as zeros. If you need to look at the sighter for some reason you can drill down on the tablet and look at the individual shots. Basically if you have a score of 5 with the appropriate letters to match the shooters on that frame, save the file and move on to the next frame.
Full disclosure: we have had some issues along the way, the biggest one was one frame the sensors were not perfectly square (rectanguler), which is critical to accurate functioning of the system. Some one asked about 5 targets to a frame, here is the issue.
The software thinks that your POI should be frame center and that is where it is most accurate. The further you get from frame center the greater the margin of error, not a big deal for counting but definitely would be if you were using it for measuring. Also the more shooters per frame the greater chance of doubling and the sensors missing a shot. The numbers from our match were as follows:
900 record shots over 2 days.
897 shots recorded
1 “ghost” which was a shot
2 unrecorded. Probably doubles, luckily we could determine shots on target.
Each club would have to determine whether this level of accuracy (99.67%) is acceptable for there purposes.
Personally given all the advantages (portability, no backers, less (or no) target crew), we are moving forward and leaving the dinosaurs to figure out what that bright shiny object heading towards them is. We will evolve, with or without a “Sanctioning Body”
Any question feel free to ask, I am not on here all the time, but I do check it out every few days.


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Yes, system counts shots in record area only

As can be seen in photo, any in the sighter only area is tracked but not counted, that way the review panel only shows shots on record target, all I have to do is verify a 5 for the target ABCD. Referee can look at all shots iin sighter area and count them in needed
I believe a set is $800 , that is enough for one frame, you can save money with a bundle set as I did, getting enough for all five frames

Yes, system counts shots in record area only

As can be seen in photo, any in the sighter only area is tracked but not counted, that way the review panel only shows shots on record target, all I have to do is verify a 5 for the target ABCD. Referee can look at all shots iin sighter area and count them in needed
I believe a set is $800 , that is enough for one frame, you can save money with a bundle set as I did, getting enough for all five frames


Just to clarify the picture of the targets in the frame is not the same as the one on the tablet.
That one was a bunch of test targets, the tablet shot was from this weeks match.