rumors chinese are buying eley for olympixs


Travis C.

Read somewhere the chinese want to win at the next olympics and are going to hit up eley to do it. Wondering if or how much of it is true, anyone hear of this? What will this mean for all that shoot eley ammo...can the U.S. maintain the import of eley even if china puts strain on the supply? I would imagine that they are mostly interested in the higher priced eley.
Read somewhere the chinese want to win at the next olympics and are going to hit up eley to do it. Wondering if or how much of it is true, anyone hear of this? What will this mean for all that shoot eley ammo...can the U.S. maintain the import of eley even if china puts strain on the supply? I would imagine that they are mostly interested in the higher priced eley.

Of course they have been buying it up and we are a minimal part of sales and keep getting price increases. Lots I have tested lately are not as good as earlier stuff
The Chinese have been buying very large volumes of Eley for years. This is nothing new...they've been doing it at least the last 10 years. The Chinese before the 2008 Olympics had also stated that their goal was to use Chinese weapons and ammunition to win all their medals. Because they are still probably the largest consumer of Eley Tenex on the planet, and I haven't seen any of their top level shooters using other than the "standard" manufacturers of firearms, it would appear that their manufacturing quality hasn't caught up with their quantity.

Eric U
I called the canadian importer of Eley and he has some RWS promotional ammo for sale, the Chinese backed out of their purchase (some 1.6 million rounds of it)

as the Chinese decided to spend their money on Tenex, even for practice, (what a waste) and we get much much less tenex now in North America, (they must be spending some of the usa bonds to buy eley, a double whammy)

also he said they have a standing order for a years volume of tenex and the canadian supply has dwindled and the price up up and away .........

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This is nothing new China has been Eley’s and Anschutz biggest customer for years now and the Chinese do go into there shooting in a big way. I was testing ammo at the RWS factory last year and the lot I selected had China written on it and I asked about it. It seems a club in China had 20 select barrel Walther’s sent to RWS to test lots and after testing they took 4 of the rifles and all the ammo that suited them and had it forwarded on to China and it sounded like they do this sort of thing with all the rifle and ammo makers. The lot of R50 I got is really good in the wind so I was happy it didn’t go to China.

It’s not just China, India is getting into it big also. Before the last Olympics India had a squad do about 5 weeks training camp at the Sydney Olympic range and I’m there about 3-4 times a week and there’d be a dozen or so of them on rifle line and the coach would put a brick of Tenex next to each one and then after lunch the coach would give them another brick, day after day for about 5 weeks, they chewed up some ammo.

For those that do not know, Eric U is a Eley shooter and has worked the Eley booth at SHOT show for several years. He is definitely in the know.

Eley has added the #6 loader last year, and they are doing everything they can to ensure we have plenty of supply. We had a short supply last year, but starting last fall we have been getting regular shipments. All lines of Eley are now readily available and we are expecting more shipments.

Also, U.S. is a major consumer of Eley.

In December at the ARA Indoor National tournament, the top 3 finishers were using Eley that had just came off the boat. Eley continues to improve their standards.
Reverse engineer not easy, need many example.
Lead good, make hole in paper.
Shoes bad, make static on factory floor.
Tin-X at Wal-Mart next year….
I wish!
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With the decreased dollar value and the resulting increase in ammo cost along w/ gas it is going to be tough esp for a couple young families shooting at our club this summer.

In my case $48 (or more) for gas and $40 for range fees, over $100 for a match plus practice. Good thing I dont golf.