River Bend Gun Club's 2018 Centerfire Benchrest Match Results


From: Jim Andress
Sent: Wednesday, December 05, 2018 12:32 PM
Subject: December Benchrest Cancellation

Due to the forecast inclement weather (below 40* with rain) I don’t see any reason for anyone to brave the elements this Saturday.


Hopefully, the Jan match (second Sat in Jan) will not be cancelled.

Wow. I guess, I miss spoke to a guest at last week's match.
Told them I never heard of a BR match being cancelled......
Just so you know: River Bend is in north Georgia and we have a benchrest match every month of the year. The December, January and February matches typically feature brutal weather and we hardly ever cancel one.
Spoken by a guy who went to school in Michigan. :)

Bill I am also from Michigan and obviously he has forgotten what brutal truly is. I hauled steel up there for 37 years ending in 2007, I know brutal, this is not that. But that being said a person becomes acclimated after a period of time.

Dan Honert
Bill I am also from Michigan and obviously he has forgotten what brutal truly is. I hauled steel up there for 37 years ending in 2007, I know brutal, this is not that. But that being said a person becomes acclimated after a period of time.

Dan Honert

Dan. I was in or near San Diego for 18 yrs. I have been back to the Great White North for 18 yrs.
My nose gits cold if it's below 50°. Not sure about that acclimation stuff.....But, my house is 64° and I am sitting in shorts and t-shirt.....flip flops got stuck in the grass, picking up the newspaper this morn...prolly blown away this afternoon.....went out for a cigar at 1530 and it was 28°. Got the winter smoking jacket on, beanie, gloves,...etc. Dang it was cold.......
Winter conditions?

However this could be an opportunity that rarely presents itself for the latitude blessed folks in the south... good practice for conditions that might be found this upcoming summer in Alberta! ?
Bill I am also from Michigan and obviously he has forgotten what brutal truly is. I hauled steel up there for 37 years ending in 2007, I know brutal, this is not that. But that being said a person becomes acclimated after a period of time.

Dan Honert

Hey, Dan,

I remember Michigan winters very well. It's one of the reasons I moved from there to Georgia! You're right, though, about getting acclimated. After being here for 38 years, 40 degrees now seems cold. In our defense, though, there've been times when I've shown up for a match at River Bend and the temp was in the teens.

I take it you'll be at our January match? :) Should bring back fond memories for you!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I hope you can make it to more of our matches.
You do not know what "COLD" is, EH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just ask the people out West, we get the occasional -20 but they get it for weeks at a time.