Richard Brensing sweeps up at Okie Shooters

Mike Bryant

Active member
Congratulations to Richard Brensing for showing us how its done this weekend at the Oklahoma State HV and SP match at the Okie Shooter's range at Luther, OK. Richard won the SP 100, HV 100, SP Grand and the HV Grand. No two gun agg was figured, but he would have won it as well. Also, congratulations to DeWayne Stafford for winning the HV200 yard. Also, congratulations go to Darrel Loker who edged out Richard by about a .001" for the Oklahoma State 3 gun which included the LV shot in April. In spite of the reputation that the Okie Shooter's range at Luther has garnered over the years, there have been some pretty good aggs shot there this year. It is a difficult range to shoot, but well worth going to shoot. The air does get pretty heavy and will move a bullet father than you'd expect. If you attend next year, don't forget to bring your tall flag poles. I'm not sure exactly what height flag poles you need, but 10 to 15 foot maximum height will work. Thanks to Rex Reneau, Tom Ross and others who have been putting on matches here. The volunteers who put on matches at various venues put in a lot of work with very little to show for it except their love for shooting benchrest.

Results as follows:

HV 100
Richard Brensing .2442
Darrel Loker .2466
John Dumas .2526

HV 200
DeWayne Stafford .2069
Richard Brensing .2093
John Dumas .2837

HV Grand
Richard Brensing .2268
DeWayne Stafford .2305
John Dumas .2682

Richard Brensing .2254
Mark Harpenau .2262
Mike Bryant .2498

Mike Bryant .3384
Richard Brensing .3568
Cale Roby .3665

SP Grand
Richard Brensing .2911
Mike Bryant .3052
Mark Harpenau .3268
Thanks guys,

even a blind hog finds a truffle now and then:p One thing I will say, I wouldn't give up my Loker tuners for anything. It's so nice to be able to go to the line knowing you can make it work. That and N-133 powder.

Excellent job!

Richard works this craft as hard as anyone and it's great to see it pay off. That's a lot of 1st place finishes, great job, bud!! -- Scott
