Results, Texas State HBR and “The Battle Of San Jacinto VFS.

jackie schmidt

New member
The Tomball Gun Club hosted the Texas State HBR and The Battle of San Jacinto VFS today with a good turnout.

The classes shot together, with the HBR Shooters on Bench 1 through 5. The VFS Shooters used the next 20 benches.

The morning started quite good at 100, overcast with light winds, but by match three the true Tomball showed up. But Al Elliot in HBR shot a great 250 18x and James Moore prevailed in VFS with a fine 250 22x. The high X count at the HBR 100 was Al Elliot, the VFS high x count was captured by Ed Bernabeo with 23x’s.

The wind really picked up in the afternoon at 200 where Ray Perry scored the win with a 248 7x. In the VFS, Dwayne Pullum pulled out the win with a 250 8x effort. The high x count in the HBR 200 was garnered by Ray Perry with a 7x effort, the high x count at the VFS 200 was captured by Jackie Schmidt with a 10x effort.

The Grand Aggs were won by Ray Perry in HBR with a 498 21x, the VFS Grand Agg was captured by Richard Pullum with a clean 500 29x. The high x counts in the Grand were shot by Ray Perry with a 21x in HBR and a 30x by Ed Bernabeo in VFS.

Thanks to Richard and Dwayne Pullum for being Match Directors and running a great match with a great crew, and of course the Tomball Gun Club.

Here is a group picture of those that garnered awards


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Thanks to Dwayne and Richard for a great match.
Congratulations to all the winners. You shot great is some challenging conditions.

Is it True?

Something that deserves to be mentioned here, in the aftermath of the “battle of San jacinto”

Vic Smith finished 2nd in the Grand. I heard that Vic was shooting a 6PPC?

I know its been done before, but, in a VFS score match, the odds are just not in favor of any chambering smaller than a .30 cal.

Way to go Vic.


Something that deserves to be mentioned here, in the aftermath of the “battle of San jacinto”

Vic Smith finished 2nd in the Grand. I heard that Vic was shooting a 6PPC?

I know its been done before, but, in a VFS score match, the odds are just not in favor of any chambering smaller than a .30 cal.

Way to go Vic.


But...gotta go with what personally shoots best.

Vic Smith is a tough competitor no matter what he shoots. I have seen him shoot score with his PPC several times. He always does well.
Glen/Joe...Thanks for the kind words.....

A couple years a go I put together a 30 BR (Stolle/Kreiger 18/H4198) and could never really get it up to speed
to compete with the top competitors (Schmidt, Pullums, Walters, Moore, Blair, Bernabeo, Saavedra and many others) in my region. So I sold all my 30 equipment and started using my group rifles and have some modest success with my trusty 6ppc's. Just acquired a Bat DS/Scarburough LV and screwed on a new 24" Kreiger 13.5 and added some weight in the butt to tame the recoil down. =) I'm going to the range tomorrow to break in the new barrel and see what happens at the next match.
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First two 250-25"s

were shot by Dennis Collins with 6 PPC's. Two different rifles as well or at least one was a HV and one a LV. This was in IBS. BUT, there is an overwhelming reason why most people shoot a 30 of some sort, Hard to beat a bigger hole in most score games. UBR being the exception. Their game seems to favor 6"s.
