Results - Saturday Oct. 16 - Southampton, MA - IR 50/50 3 Gun and UL



The Nor'Easter blew threw on Friday pushed by cold gusts of wind that made Saturday's match a real challenge. Some competitor's estimated the winds to be gusting at 75 mph.:rolleyes:
I'm a little more conservative and would say 30 mph tops. The temps started out at 47 and worked up to a toasty high of 52.

Regardless, there were no dominant wind conditions -- just gusts and more gusts, switches and more switches.

Congratulations to the winnners!!

1 Pete Roberson 241 9
2 Penny Hadfield 238 7 FM3
3 Todd Banks 238 7 FM2

1 Todd Banks 246 9
2 Michael Gallant 245 10
3 Dave Shattuck 244 9

1 Todd Banks 248 15
2 Al Hadfield 247 7
3 Fred Blanck 243 10

3-Gun Agg
1 Todd Banks 732 31
2 Al Hadfield 727 22
3 Fred Blanck 719 25

1 Todd Banks 245 7
2 Al Hadfield 244 8
3 Penny Hadfield 243 12

1 Walt Tarka 245 12
2 Todd Banks 244 10
3 Penny Hadfield 244 9

1 Todd Banks 247 14
2 Penny Hadfield 247 8
3 Fred Blanck 246 16

UL Agg
1 Todd Banks 736 31
2 Penny Hadfield 734 29
3 Al Hadfield 731 31

I really enjoyed the season at Southampton and am now looking forward to next season. Thank you for everything.

Hi Everyone,

First, thank you Michael, thank you for running these matches, thanks for the T-shirt and thanks for the book. A job well done. One more important thank you goes to Maryellen for the great eats, delicious! :D

Let's split the wind speed down the middle. My guess is around 50mph gusts. I was watching the trees and waiting for one to come down.

Below are a few pictures from the match. you notice the wind prob cups laid over hard to the left? That was more the norm than the unusual. More than one flag or probe hit the ground...


PS. Sorry, couldn't get picks to appear directly in post.
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Thanks Michael,
For starting Easthampton shooting rimfire this year. Will try to make most of your shoots next year. Great place and people to shoot with. See you in the spring.
Thanks for giving us another place to shoot. You just might have the best attended matches in the North East, and we're all looking forward to shooting at Easthampton next year, whether you get the other benches(nicest benches in the NE, too!) up and running or not!

As far as the wind on Sat., Pete and I both shot during Hurricane Ivan at the Nationals in '04, and both agreed that the only difference between shooting in that hurricane and the Nor'easter we had on Sat was that it was drier at Easthampton. I've seen flags blow over before, but Sat. was the first time I've seen a piece of a flag float 30 feet in the air and land 75 feet from where it launched:eek:
I think that was the same Alien ship they saw in NYC !?!?!

Great job and as Todd said Thank You for giving us another fair priced place to shoot and the food was great,also!! (Yea maybe I added a couple of words to what he said) but Thank You again for everything!! Great Job!!