Check the top 10 from Saturday below, especially the LV agg from JD Denoff (in the picture).
The top 3 2 gun overall winners were the same people but with 2 & 3 reversed.
Good God JD!!!! I guess u decided to take my words of wisdom to heart! Just kidding. But JD shot almost lights out. As you can see he must have went unconcious during that .1358 agg in the LV100. But hell, he didn't even stop there! His other aggs were HV100 .1968, HV200 .1796, LV200 .28xx for a LV Grand of .2093 and a HV Grand of .1796. He even finished with a 2-gun agg of .1987! Now I've not known JD to shoot many teen aggs, but he made up for lost time shootin' 5 in one match! Great job my friend. So who's bullets you shootin again? Knight's?
But congrats to the others winners as well. Doug McRae, Jeff Graves, Gary Morgan all y'all did good. Wish I could've made it, but I'm glad I didn't cause I just couldn't handle gettin' beat by JD. ROFL!!!!! (and that means Roll On Floor Laughing for those unfamiliar. )