Resource Limit Is Reached The website is temporarily unable to service your request.


New member
Well, I have been getting this message a lot lately.
With only 12 people logged in, WTF is happening?

* Doggie *
most likely a server went down or perhaps was being upgraded, at that point various priority codes come into play. Additionally with the amount of storm damage of late in various sections of the country that also may have been a factor. Trying to get a hold of various suppliers last week was flustrating as i was getting numerous auto responses of lines being overloaded. just some thoughts from one who has enough insite about it to be dangerous.
Running BRC is a job

Keeping it cleaned out takes hours per day

Elmer already HAS a full-time job.

Thank You Elmer for at least keeping The Old Girl alive :)

You're in our prayers, God Bless and

Merry Christmas !!!
I have had this happen to me just about every time I go to log in, but after the second or third attempt it works. I understand that keep a site running is a lot of work so it does not frustrate me and I appreciate the work that site owners and managers have to do.
After 6 attempts I managed to log in to this site.

Noting the lack of users (whom presumably had the same problems) then it's time to call it a day.

A sad goodbye as this was one of my favourite sites.

Regards * doggie *
Well, I found the problem but can't fix it from my end.

Pretty sad as this site has so much great info.

Check out

Error 508 usually points to antiquated hardware although bots could be attacking the system to overload the server ;-)

Explains why so many users are departing.and nobody is posting.

Regards from Down Under * doggie *
Well, I found the problem but can't fix it from my end.

Pretty sad as this site has so much great info.

Check out

Error 508 usually points to antiquated hardware although bots could be attacking the system to overload the server ;-)

Explains why so many users are departing.and nobody is posting.

I think someone will eventually try to get in touch with Elmer about whether he has the time and motivation to deal with the issues here.
Well, managed to log in fine just now.

Online; 2 members and 14 guests.

Last time that I managed to log in there were 1 members (myself) and 484 ;guests/bots/trolls logged in.

* doggie *