Removing stock tape

I would peel as much as possible then you can use alcohol on a rag to soak the rest and remove any adhesive that is left. If the stock is painted I would be cautious. If its one of the newer stocks like McMillan makes with marbling built in it shouldn't be a problem. Good luck.
Use a hair dryer to warm the old tape. It should soften the adhesive making it a little easier to remove.

Depends on whether a stock is painted or not. This is the recommendation by a stocker/painter.

1. Non-painted stock - used hair dryer to warm and use lighter fluid if not easy to remove warm.

2. Painted stocks - Go slow and use lighter fluid.

Use any of the branded adhesive removers that won't kill paint. Pell up a corner, soak it, peel it, soak it, etc.
A hot hair dryer

My stock tape seems to have lost its slippyness - what's the best way to get it off guys?

and patience will get the tape off, no matter the surface under it. DON'T try to rush it and you will get the tape off with only a little residue left and no broken paint. Good, old fashioned lighter fluid will remove the residue in short order and not hurt the paint. If you don't want to use lighter fluid, WD-40 will work as well, but you will need to clean the area EXTREMELY well after the WD-40 to get the new tape to stick. Alcohol will do about the best and safest.
Don't pull too hard!

I destroyed a paint job when I pulled too vigorously on the tape. Seems that the paint gave up and the tape, along with the paint, all came loose at once. Bad day!
In my opinion, the hair dryer method is by far the best and safest method of removing stock tape, decals and such. I'm afraid of lighter fluid! I know a young boy who was severly burned playing with lighter fluid. The stuff is so easily ignited.

Gene Beggs
Stock Tape removal

The Stock tape I have now,pulls right off,by hand, and doesn't leave any residue. Cant remember where I got it. I have used the kind that is a PITA to get off and it left a lot of residue. Cant remember what type it was either.

When I run out of the little bit I have left,I will not be using stock tape again. I can't see any accuracy benefits in my set up. Plain old baby powder and leather bags worked better than any stock tape I've ever used.

I remember using WD-40 to get the excess residue off my painted stocks. It took a little effort to get the gooey stuff off. Turned me against Stock tape.
