Remington M700 trigger



There have been several posts over the years on how to safely adjust the Remington M700 factory trigger to reduce the pull weight while still remaining in a safe mode. I would like advice on how to reduce the trigger on my newly assembled groundhog rifle to around 3 - 4 pounds. The trigger breaks cleanly and there is no creep but I sometimes think I need a come-along to get it to break. Would apprecaite any knowledgeable advice, especially if it refers me to a site where I can download the instructions.
I typed in "adjust trigger remington 700" on a web search and it brought back numerous sites. I prefer the Jewell trigger, if wishing a light pull. For safety reasons.
The design of the 700 trigger is very simple. Completely take it apart and study it and see what adjustment does what. If you can not figure it out you should not be doing it. When installed and adjusted the safety should work and slamming the bolt closed hard should not cause it to fire. Test repeatably without ammo. Screw heads or threads should have a sealant on them to prevent them from changing adjustment on their own.