Reloading Help



Some of my 6mm ppc cases go into the gun and the bolt closes easily, and others you really have to push down hard to close the bolt. It is not the case overall length, and i have tried using a redding body die. I got them to go in and the bolt close easier on some and then on others it would close easily and then pulling the bolt back up would either be hard or te shell would stay in the gun and not be extracted by the bolt unless you dry fired the gun. It is a remington 40x chamber with a shilen barrell. What do i need to do to get them all to go in and come out easily.
Are these cases all from the same lot and fired the same number of times? If they are it could be that the ones that chamber hard and extract hard or not at all were a tad softer. How far are you bumping the shoulder in the body die?

I presume that they're Lapua cases too.

The solution might be a small base body die, which is what I needed for the 6 PPC I had.
I have used a Sharpie and drawn 6-8 lines down the case and then chambered them. If there is a tight spot or rub it will show up as a shiny spot on the lines. In my case the shiny spot was 1/4" above the extractor ring. It was a tight chamber or a body die that didn't resize enough. The root cause is the same, there isn't enough clearance in the chamber, so you either make the chamber larger or the brass smaller. If this is your problem you can get a small base body die to make the case smaller or have your gunsmith open the chamber a couple of thousandths by "polishing" it.