Registered LV/HV Match at River Bend Gun Club, Georgia

Jim Andress

River Bend Gun Club
Just a reminder that River Bend Gun Club just north of Atlanta Georgia will hold it's annual Fall Classic shoot over the weekend of November 13-14 2010. This will be an NBRSA registered match for both light and heavy varmint classes at 100 and 200 yards. For information contact match director Jim Andress - or Match fee is $40/day - no food planned - plenty of camping spots with water & power, numerous nearby motels and condo rentals. Mark your calendars!
Want to be there but won't be able to make it due to work. :( Grrrrrrrrrr. Anybody know when Manatee will be? I'm itchin' bad.

Matthew S Keller
SUPER Forecast

:cool: Currently 69 degrees and sunny at the range; forecast through next Monday is for highs near 70 with clear skies - perfect weather to close out the year. Y'all come shoot with us! :cool: