Redwoods Airgun Club's 1st match


we had our first match and did not get any guests from the mailing list
so we decided to have two matches
today was forecast for and we had the highest winds for this area in the last 30 days
it started early around 8AM with the swirls changing directions and by the 2nd match was blowing hard mostly as a tail wind
here are the results with a cpl of pictures

Dick Strever
have heard the local weather results says we had up to 21 mile per hour winds
good thing we were protected amongst the Redwoods :D

Match Results

June 11, 2016
NameGunclass1st target2nd target3ed targetTotal
Dick StreverThomas BR .177LV239 8x247 11x241 7x727 26x
Tony FarcelloStyre LG100 .177LV225 2x225 1x220 1x670 4x
Tony FarcelloFeinwerkbau P70FT .177HV246 3x247 7x237 4x730 14x
Dick StreverChip Smith Sumo .177Open249 13x246 14x246 15x741 42x
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Congrats on your first match.

What a great range! Thanks for the pictures and results. Looking forward to seeing you again at Joe's.
Was not going to bring my SUMO but might ship it out after seeing how well you did with yours.

Paul Bendix
Wish I didn't have a conflict. Hopefully you can shoot the first or fourth Saturday in August.

Glad you are up & running!

the Sumo did not shoot that well as a 22 cal
when i switched it to .177 it became a super accurate gun