Redwoods Airgun Club match for June 24, 2017



June 24, 2017

Relay 1
Dick Strever TBR .177LV247 8X245 7X245 9X737 24X
Tony Farcello Styre LG100 .177LV237 5X237 6X246 9X720 20X
Chris Lovitt Mrod .177OPEN240 2X242 5X232 4X714 11X
Relay 2
Dick Strever BLUE TBR .177HV250 12X250 11X249 16X749 39X
Tony Farcello FWB-P70 .177HV241 7X244 8X247 7X732 22X
Chris Lovitt RAW TM1000OPEN247 10X244 8X249 7X740 25X
We had a very light overcast and cool day with very mild steady winds or so it seemed when we started earlier then usual this AM, We had a full house last match but only 3 shooters this time. And as usual when we switched to relay 2 the winds pick up but this time they seemed steady tho typically swirling around amongst the trees plus the overcast clearing give us Sun glare. We all had a good day shooting amongst the Redwoods.
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