Reality-- and what people "claim"

Montana Pete.......

You have a good mind to realize that Wind has a dramatic effect on a rifle's grouping.

Follow through with your revelation and buy two wind flags, which will be the best investment in your shooting hobby.

Good luck!
I am sure a few things get overstated here as well, and groups tend to shrink between the range and the keyboard but I do have to agree with one point that was made about the cold barrel thing.

It is common that if you ask a Factory/Hybrid type question on the CFBR forum, you will get some polite help and then be redirected here for further discussion. That being said, the primary concern of some posters who are seeking advice to apply to their hunting rifles IS that they get that first shot cold barrel hit. Just the opposite of the BR crowd where everything counts, in hunting, the only shot that counts is the first one. After that its either dead or running and that is an entirely different game.

I love sitting at a bench trying to fit them all thru the same hole and knowing it wont happen, even if I only have factory rifles and one recently finished custom that I have not even shot yet. I used to have a HB rem 700 in 22-250 and when I went to the range, on most days that first, cold barrel shot will go within a 1/2 in of where I aimed it(@100yds) . That I will claim to be true. I am not making that up but it also might get me elected as President of the Liars Club. I dont find this claim impossible I guess, but I am going to try and prove it.

I have wanted to do this for a long time just to prove it to myself but this thread has inspired me. I am going to take the same rifle and load to the range on 5 different days and shoot one and only one shot each day and see if they go where I aim them and if they're off, by how far regardless of weather or conditions. Just 5 random cold barrel shots on what ever day and time I happen to be able to get to the range. I will post pics of my results when they are in, succeful or not and then let the "I told you so's" begin.

I have learned more here in the few months I have been reading than I have in years of shooting and "hunting grade" reloading and I thank many of you for that wisdom.

Best of luck to you all

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Sounds like an interesting experiment. But perhaps to make it a tad more scientific you should specify the wind range for it. Perhaps 0-5 mph or something like that. As far as the other variables like temp, pressure, and humidity are concerned don't worry about them as they don't really have THAT much of an influence anyways. A more important factor is light. Try to go at about the same time of day, preferably around noon. What type of hunting rifle are you going to try it with? I suggest something kinda accurate like a .308 which is also used a lot for deer hunting AND match shooting. And what yardage are you going to go with? I suggest sticking to 100 yds since most shots are under that anyways and further out wind IS a major variable. If you can post a pic of the rifle too along with the targets as you shoot them ok? Good luck on your experiment and looking forward to seeing the results as they come in.


I want to use my new .308 but I dont have a load worked up for it yet as I just got it back from the smith about 3 days ago. The distance will be 100 yards and I am going to try and shoot in calm conditions and keep notes as best I can but I dont have a wind gauge. I am not sure about trying to make it the same time of day because you never know when your cold barrel shot will come.

It may prove harder to do than I think but oh well, If I end up a fool, I guess I had it coming.

I will post pics of the rifle and target and time and date them with as much info as I can provide.

If anyone else has any ideas for this test, feel free to chime in. Maybe there is something to learn for us all.


fact and fiction

I have to agree with some of the posters who have infused a degree of reality into unsubstantiated claims. Hang around any gun store and you'll hear more fiction than a Marvel comic book.

Several years ago a fellow I know made an outrageous claim that I called him on. His claim was he could hold a quarter sized group, offhand @200 yds., all day long. I said that was simply amazing and offered to pay him to teach me the same skill. Needless to say, my offer was declined. I don't buy anyone's wild claims until I see them perform them. One might call this a healthy dose of skepticism but it eliminates the BS quickly.
There's a big difference between what your rifle is capable of and what you're capable of. I have more than one live varmint rifle that is capable of consistent .5 MOA groups out to its max range.

About the best results I have shot in the last year or so with a factory rifle for consecutive groups was with my Rem 700LTR .223. It has the upgrade of a Jewell trigger set at 4 oz or so. The Leupold Vari-X III 6.5X-20X has a proper target dot installed. I use Sierra or Berger bullets

Not outstanding by benchrest standards and not a 5 group agg. But for a factory rifle with only a trigger upgrade I am more than pleased for a 20 shot string , especially when 2 different bullets were fired and two primers were used for the 55 Bergers.

I do utilize a front rest with rear bag and make all efforts to follow through the same way each time basically utilizing free recoil. And I have fired a true 6mm PPC benchrest rifle with a whole range of windflags and shot it quite well according to the rifle's owner.

This particular LTR has been the most accurate rifle I have ever owned.
About the best results I have shot in the last year or so with a factory rifle for consecutive groups was with my Rem 700LTR .223. It has the upgrade of a Jewell trigger set at 4 oz or so. The Leupold Vari-X III 6.5X-20X has a proper target dot installed. I use Sierra or Berger bullets

Not outstanding by benchrest standards and not a 5 group agg. But for a factory rifle with only a trigger upgrade I am more than pleased for a 20 shot string , especially when 2 different bullets were fired and two primers were used for the 55 Bergers.

I do utilize a front rest with rear bag and make all efforts to follow through the same way each time basically utilizing free recoil. And I have fired a true 6mm PPC benchrest rifle with a whole range of windflags and shot it quite well according to the rifle's owner.

This particular LTR has been the most accurate rifle I have ever owned.

Looks like that rifle agg's under 1/2" to me ;)

Nicely's a keeper


sounds like fun. may take a moth or so "work that dreaded 4 letter word" will try with my 223 -6mm-308 and turn scope power down to 9 or 10 power like most hunting rifles. thought about it before but never tried it. good excuse to shoot more