re-barreling a 64



The post about " how long should it take " got me thinking .....not good:D

I have an Anschutz 64 I know it has a barrel that is pined not threaded.
Has anyone here who ownes or has owned a 64 ever have one re-barreled?
Was it worth the cost?
What smith can you recommend?
What would the smiths cost be " ballpark "?
What barrel would you recommend?
If anyone has had there 64 re-barreled what differance did it make.
It should be noted that the barrel on my 64 has well less then 1000 rounds through it. Right now I am trying different ammo.
I will use this set up for informal " silly-wet "

Joe Lipari
don't butcher your gun

You have a fine firearm and it does what it was made to do exceedingly well. This rifle was not made to compete against full-bore benchrest rifles. Besides you can sell it for much more than you paid for it, since it is brand new. I suggest selling it in orginal form and buying a used full-bore custom BR rifle. You will come out money and happiness ahead. And the new owner of the 64 ms will be one happy camper.
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Was fortunate to live near Colorado Springs, and the gun smith that serviced the small bore guns for the US Shooting Team was located there. He has since retired and closed his business, but it was Neal Johnsons Gunnsmithing Inc.

I had several guns worked on there and purchased 2 Anschutz 54's from him. One of his largest activities was rebarreling the Anschutz rifles the shooting team used. This consisted of threading the actions and replacing with a high end barrel. He then conducted ammunition testing in a custom machine rest to determine which ammo and lot of ammo worked best in the gun.

While these were 54s instead of 64s, this should tell you something.

Nesika Chad, who posts mostly on the gunsmiting forum may be able to provide some good insites on this, as he worked at Neal Johnsons for a time.

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bench rest rig

There is a Myers built benchrest rifle in the classifieds for $1800. If you get the history of this firearm I think it might be a good rifle for you. Don't be in a hurry to buy just anything. Some top shooters are retiring and some rich guys buy first class rifles and don't have the time or dedication to sort them out and want to unload them. If you want a gun that shoots well off the bench as well as silhouette, it's just my opinion I believe the 54.18 Anshutz is the way to go. I have yet to see a rifle with as quick a lock-time as this rifle. There are many new custom silhouette rifles I have not had the privilege of handling but the lock-time of the 54.18 is most impressive.
p.s. anyone, if there is a action with a faster lock-time please inform me as I have been out of shooting for 25 years and returned recently.
I have yet to see a rifle with as quick a lock-time as this rifle. There are many new custom silhouette rifles I have not had the privilege of handling but the lock-time of the 54.18 is most impressive.

When you say lock-time what do you mean?

Joe L.
lock time

I'm no expert but in my opinion "lock time is the time that elapses from when the trigger is released until the firing pin strikes the cartridge. After that the duration of time before the bullet leaves the barrel is called "barrel time". The longer the lock time, the longer you have to keep the rifle on target. The extreme examples would be comparing a flintlock rifle to a rifle with a electronic trigger. Although when I quit shooting 25 years ago a 54 Anshutz had a faster lock time than the first generation electronic triggers.
p.s maybe someone could update us on the actions with the fastest lock times?
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lock time

the lock time of a 54 Anschutz isn't marginally faster than a 64. It's more like 2.5- 3x times faster.
maybe someone who knows can tell us what exactly what it really is?
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Here is a smith for Anschutz

Contact Evelio McDonald at He is in Houston, Tx if it matters.

He is a good guy and a great Anscutz gunsmith. His work if first rate and his time frames are short. He does a LOT of work for the RF silhouette crowd and probably has brand new Anschutz take-off barrels in his shop for sale also.
