RCBS Chargemaster or Harrell’s for powder measurements

I know thrown charges work

but I am willing to bet that if the same shooter had shot weighed charges,with exact OAL's on the day they did well, they might have done even better. Lets face it, many have a day now and again when everything falls into place. Having ammo as perfect as it can be certainly can't hurt one of those days.
I hate to disagree with Boyd since he puts alot of thought into this and is very helpful but being a gear freak couldn't help but notice Sam Hall says in that article:

"The powder charge is 32.0 grains of Reloder 15 thrown from a Harrell's powder measure and weighed carefully on my 30-year old RCBS 5-0-5 scales."

You did get the part about the Harrell's measure correct but the beam scale part probably helps him out shooting little bitty groups at 600 yards. Curious if he could hold one inch+ groups throwing straight from the Harrel's since 2 or 3 tenths shows vertical for me at half that distance while doing ladder tests.

Also interesting that he uses off-the-shelf Redding F/L bushing dies.