RBA.Rocky river barn National.


Bill Pippin

After talking to Truman Weber recently, he advised me he is looking for some volunteer body guards for the shoot this weekend. Anyone interested, please sign up.

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Bill, Truman is a good guy. Great fellow! I'll help him, if the pay is right:)
Have gun, will travel! For enough jack!
After talking to Truman Weber recently, he advised me he is looking for some volunteer body guards for the shoot this weekend. Anyone interested, please sign up.

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Hey Bill, tell Truman I will guard his rifle for him, I'll take it to my room Friday nite and want let anyone near it................Gary
He better get more then two cause I know of me and three others riding with me thats after him!! I bet if he has another weekend like he has been having then he may be thumbing a ride back to TN. DJ
I've got another offer. If you would send me 100.00, I would run off and leave him at home. Any takers?
Jim, bring Truman on down, just leave his ammo back at the house. I have some stuff he can shoot. It will be good to see you guys again. I missed the match last month, and almost missed this one too by catching the flu last Friday. Almost better now, and if everything goes as planned I'll see y'all there tomorrow.
Good to hear that you are coming, Kent. We missed you last time. Give Truman plenty of that great ammo. He really needs it.
I am really sad to say you will not have the live-in guard this weekend - UGH!:eek:
I can not come!!:(
The suite next to the stove is available for anyone who will respect it and keep the stove going!:D
I wish I could come:eek:

what gun did he do it with and who was the gunsmith? Webber that's some great shooting. Congradulations on your record! It's a shame no one else thinks so, know what I mean?

I know how tough it is to win these types of competition, so I also extend my congratulations on your possible Record. That Barn is one tough cookie. Hope you'll come up to Piney Hill next weekend.
WOW 750 60X
WAY TO GO Webber!!:D
Now there is a Record that could "Stand The Test if Time":eek:

That is very good shooting but it can only be a world record if the rest or even part of the world is involved. What you have is an American record.

The REAL world records will be shot at international matches or types of matches that more than one country shoots.