Raton Matches

The dates for the benchrest matches in Raton have been set pending approval from the Whittington center. Kelly Ellis and myself will be running the matches this year. We would like anyone that wants to shoot with us to come out and enjoy the Whittington Center with us. If you haven't been there, you're missing out. If you have any questions feel free to call Kelly or myself.
Kelly Ellis 970-739-8886
Dennis Martin 580-651-3511

The dates are as follows,

May 27 & 28 The Best of The West
June 17 & 18 The Enchantment
July 15 & 16 The Firecracker
August 19 & 20 The Rattlesnake
Dennis& Kelly
Thanks to both of you for taking on this job as match directors for the matches at Raton. It’s nice to see y’all step up to keep the matches going, we need more guys like you two.