rate of throat erosion?


Jason Stanley
A quick question: Will a 30 BR throat wear at a constant rate or will there be a "quick" erosion then slow down? Thanks in advance.

Barrel burners are generally considered "overbore" for caliber...too much powder for the given bore size. The 30BR is on the opposite end of that spectrum, being considerably "underbore". In my experience, it takes a long time to wear out the throat of a 30BR barrel. Of course, there are exceptions to the rule.
Thanks Hal. The reason I'm asking is that I am finding, on this new barrel, that it likes the bullets "just touching" to .005 jam - which is fine - but just wondering how often I am going to have to measure the COL to keep the rifle shooting? Easy item to figure out - I'll just measure every 100 rounds or so and see if it changes.

When the lands of the rifling are new, the edges are sharp. Eventually the sharp edge will round off after firing and will need an adjustment to the seating depth to keep it shooting. Even though it needs adjusted say .010 deeper, it doesn't mean that the lands have eroded deeper into the barrel by that amount.

The 30BR is about as friendly to the barrel as a cartridge can get. That barrel will last you a long time.

Apollo - the check is more like every 1000 rounds. My experience with over 8000 rounds down a 30PPC was less than .005 change (4198) suspect the 30BR would be about the same rate.
