Rare have I heard of a 22 hornet shooting well

Accurate Hornet? Buy a CZ 527 and don't look back. 13.0gr of Lil'Gun and a 35gr Hornady bullet. Use great care when handling the casing. I use RCBS Competition dies and haven't had a problem. My Hornet (CZ 527 "Prestige", FWIW) is an honest "1/2" at 100y" gun. Not a benchrest candidate, but a great field gun. These is a fella over at RFC named Vincent who has a great history with this round and some good tips for reloading.
I have an Anschutz 1730 Meister Grade Hornet that is a consistent sub half inch rifle if the shooter does their part , it has since new (albeit with ammo too long for the magazine).
I also have an Anschutz Exemplar handgun (on the 54 action) with a 10 inch barrel that shot this group and many many like it including a fair number better (and I'm certainly no pistolero). Off a bi-pod rest with a 3X12 Burris Ballistic-Plex of course.


I've had 2 CZ Hornets, one was turned into a .17 Ackley Hornet but on it's maiden voyage before being modified it shot this group as a standard Hornet to get a baseline before working on it. That is a 5 shot group shot with the load developed for my Anschutz using WW cases, 40 grain V-Max's, Lilgun powder and WSR primers. Good safe load, it chambered well in the CZ so I just grabbed a box of 50 and went to the range, "honest".


The second CZ is one purchased last year in the new English Walnut stock. I had it K'd, bedded and re-crowned. On it's first time out with formed cases it shot these two 3 shot groups using a 4.5X14 Leupold with a varmint hunter reticle. Lower 3 were the center cross hair aimed at the black cross and the second higher three were fired using the next subtend line below center aimed at the same place.


Now how is it that Hornets don't shoot? Not to be difficult but with the new rifles and especially new components that just hasn't been my experience at all, in fact of the 4 I've had I haven't had one that didn't shoot like crazy :).

For years all the horror stories of the problems with the Hornets: fliers, crushed cases, inaccurate etc. kept me from buying one. Finally a gunshop owner told me if I bought that Anchutz and it didn't shoot he'd give me my money back. Sure glad I listened as the Hornet is one of my favorite rounds now. I've never crushed a case yet (I neck size a lot after first firing), they have all been accurate guns and the only fliers have been the ones I pulled all by myself :eek:.

Howdy Alan ;).
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howdy Doug~!

Gee whiz Doug,,,,I thought I was through with 22 Hornets. I did like the 22 K Hornet and now that you've told this story I'm thinking maybe I DO need a 22 K Hornet. I have too many 22 caliber bullets around to not have something to pop them out of.
Looks like I'll be missing out on May's gopher trip again. A few of the guys may go,,the ones you know.
Go try to overheat a rifle barrel for me. Then go talk about it over a slice of pizza in McKennzie's for me~!
Hope you are doing well. I have to admit, other than a 17 Ackley Hornet,,,there's not much of anything neater looking than a 22 K Hornet round. Do you ever shoot gopher with any of the 22 K or standard hornets??
Alan in GA
Howdy Alan.
Sorry your not coming out but actually it has all the earmarks of crummy spring weather again this year, snowing as I type. You know the drill, sun-rain-snow wind rain-more sun-more rain-wind again-more snow, and that's in a two hour period.
Are you kidding about gophers and the .22 Hornet??? Like hand in glove, that's were it all started for me (the sub caliber stuff I mean). A Hornet pushing a 40 grain V-Max at 3,000ish fps or especially a K in the 3,200 to 3,250 fps range is a real rat spreader. capable of consistent 250 yards and better hits as well. Plus which were only talking 13ish grains of powder or so so it's cheap shooting.
I guess there's no denying the fact I'm biased,but then you know what I do with my spare time, ( which is all of it actually :D).
The only recent problems I've really heard of seems to focus around Rugers and although I've never had one I'd bet most of that centers around that nasty two piece bolt, and even some of those seem to shoot well. (In all due respect to Ruger fans).
Yep sure enough Alan, you need a Hornet...or a K...or both..;).
Have a good one. Nice seeing ya here.
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forgot,,,,one did get used 2 years ago,,,a CZ

Bob P. shot his CZ American mounted in a Kevlar CZ Varmint Stock. 40 V maxes and they acted like anyone would want,,,,gopher pieces all over. His is the standard 22 hornet. I think I would HAVE to run the K reamer in mine [if I still had one].
I haven't had one, but..........

based on my experience with the .17 Rem, I would use a Lyman or Holland's VLD de-burring tool on the case mouths. It did make my .17 shoot better, even w/FB bullets. I also replace the springs in the Redding comp sizers, & both Redding & Forster comp seaters, that made a big difference in grouping consistency for me. HTH;) PS, I really enjoyed reading the replies, kinda like the '56 edition of the 'Handbook of Cast Bullets".
I have a BRNO ZKW465 which I bought from a farmer friend who could just about make it talk. The rifle was re-barrelled before I bought it
I, on the other hand, have never been able to get it to group under 1". I'm going to try some 35grn Hornady in it and see if that shoots OK. We can't get "Lil' Gun" here in Australia which is a pity because many threads I've read the best results are with "Lil' gun".
I have a Kimber Mdl 82 22 Hornet. I have spent more time trying to find a loaded that would group under one inch than any other rifle I have owned. I have tried full, partial, and neck sizeing the cases. Trimmed the cases after resizing. Used rifle and pistol primers, Tried Lil Gun and other powders. Crimped the bullet, Tried different brands of bullets with different bullet seating free bore. Got a 221 Fireball rifle a few years ago , now that darn Hornet stays at home...
I owned the Ruger 77/22 Hornet,,,,,,

and I really did try to love it. It looked so 'right'. The ONLY thing about it's appearance and carrying characteristics was the slightly W-I-D-E mid stock where the rotary clip is mounted,,,,,and,,,,
it drove me nuts trying to get some consistence and accuracy. It would torment me by putting 3 into about 0.6" @ 100 yards,,,then the second 3 shot group would also be small, but the center of the group would move an inch or more.
When I wanted to finally build my first 17 Ackley Hornet, I inspected the Ruger one more time,,,pushed my thumb against the side of the closed bolt front section and watched and felt it move to the side,,,,too much for me. Decided then and there to sell it and buy a CZ. I "K" 'd the Ruger before selling too. I guess I could have done this and that to the Ruger, but others were posting of the same problems so it wasn't too painful to 'set it free'.:D
I only have 17AH CZ rifles now but I would enjoy taking a CZ .22 Hornet and running a "K" reamer into it.
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Alan that group I posted of the 527 I had K'd last year was one that CZ ran with an English Walnut stock. I tried real hard to talk one of the guys into buying it and when no one would I had to do it myself. Now I see that that was a short lived run and all of their fancy stocked models have been discontinued, sometimes having zero willpower is a good thing. Glad I got it while they made em. In our short time together I've come to really like this critter.


I have some Calhoon Magazines that will feed the K-Hornet that I got for the .17 Ackley but being a single shot guy at heart I am just using Calhoons single shot follower. That picture doesn't do that rifle justice and you know me, I'm a CZ junkie.
Calhoun single shot adaptors,,,,,,,,,,

I wish Calhoun would make a run of his single shot adaptors and make them out of black Delrin or whatever hard high lubricity plastic that works best in CNC machines. I have a couple of his extremely well made ssa's in blued steel. They do work WELL~!
I have a few home made plastice [black Delrin] SSA models that work, but Calhoun's model would be nice in lightweight plastic/Teflon/Delrin.

Fancy CZ stocks,,,,I put my CZ 527 in 7.62 x 39 Carbine in an American stock. Had to remove the barrel first and lathe turn off the rear open sight 'knot' so I wouldn't have to inlet for it in the American stock. Now I have a nice scope perfect 7.62 x 39 in a 'sporter' stock and it looks and shoots great.
I picked up this Savage 219 just because the case colour was so nice. It turned out to be a MOA shooter with most of the ligter bullets and just doats on 46gr Winchest HP's. I use a 218 Bee die and just patiallu size the neck just enought to hold the bullet.


...so I k'd it. Not a bug hole gun but you wouldn't want your big toe stickin out at 100tds:D

WW680 is a friend to helping the hornet on it's way for the reloader. This is 1949 BRNO ZKW 465


I should mention I have this rig for sale...it was up in the classifieds a month or two ago.

Just not hunting with it any longer and have my eye's on some new optics.:cool::cool:

I picked up this Savage 219 just because the case colour was so nice. It turned out to be a MOA shooter with most of the ligter bullets and just doats on 46gr Winchest HP's. I use a 218 Bee die and just patiallu size the neck just enought to hold the bullet.



That's a nice looking rifle, just different enough that I could develop a deep meaningful relationship with it :D.
Alinwa-I was about to ask who uses pistol primers in the Hornet??

40 or 45 gr bullet w/ Lilgun and pistol primers.
I've done my "penitence" time with a few different Hornets over the years, that included lot's of fustration and head scratching.
I still shoot two, a winny 43 and a ruger sporter that still wears the wood stock, but has been upgraded to a 23" heavy barrel.
Setting back the barrels and reaming the chamber to K has made life much easier, as finding brass with consistent and to spec rim thickness is almost a lesson in futility.

I'm curious if anyone has experience with the newer Savage model 40 ?
I've yet to hear anything about these, though they've been available for a few years.
Alinwa-I was about to ask who uses pistol primers in the Hornet??

40 or 45 gr bullet w/ Lilgun and pistol primers.

I've heard that is real popular with a lot of guys and have read of fellas who swear by it but that's not my experience.
Interestingly to the Hornet topic was a 2 piece article written by Ross Sefried a number of years ago about his experiences with the Hornet. It was a two piece article that came out 1/2 one month in "Rifle" and the other 1/2 the next month in "Handloader".
It was a great article that I have kept somewhere as text. In that article Sefried spoke of the pistol primers as providing better accuracy in some loads than small rifle. The one I remember he stated the pistol primers specifically did not help for him was in the loads he tried with the "then new" Lil'Gun. I remember that well cause I read that at a point where I had just discovered Lil'Gun and as with most guys was still in amazement of how it changed the Hornet. That was also the point I discovered that if you leave Lil'Gun in an RCBS plastic powder measure tube overnight it will actually eat into the tube and leave an orange-peel effect when you then empty it. I called Hodgdon on that one and was informed Lil'Gun has a very high "nitro" content and that was the reason for the eating into the plastic. I also surmised that is the reason for the sometimes wild velocity spreads with it, it's kinda damp almost and hard to get lit consistently. I also felt that's why neither Ross Sefried nor myself had any luck with pistol primers using it.
I do have one friend swears that the answer to that is a good crimp so it has time for a consistent burn/consistent pressure and not spraying unburned powder out the barrel. (Lay a white sheet out in front of a bench when shooting Lil'Gun, especially with pistol primers. You'll be amazed how much unburned powder will collect on the sheet).
All that aside, my load is WW cases, WSR primers, Lil'Gun and 40 grain V-Max's seated out too far to fit the magazines in my CZ's or Asnchutz's without magazine modification. Mostly I just shoot single shot cause most of my rifles are anyway.
Sorry about being so windy.
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The 22 Hornet is a great teaching tool for beginners besides the .22LR. I have been shooting the Hornet since around '93 with great luck. Loads and groups well.

The following pics are my witness:


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Hornet / accuracy

I have a 10" Contender Barrel and used to have a 26" Encore barrel both in 22 Hornet. The Contender barrel would outshoot the Encore barrel any time at 50 yds. They were both about the same at 100 yds. The Hornet never was a precision round and it can be difficult to get one to group MOA at 100 yds. I eventually gave up on the Encore barrel even after returning it to TC ("it shoots to specifications"), and had it re-chambered to 22 BR. Now it shoots!