Rachel's Glen results.....


Mickey: Sorry I missed the shoot :rolleyes: Duty called! It was my wife's spring break and she had other plans. It is a shame to miss the shoot that is so close by. Jim Casey

I'm a bit confused. You guys are giving congratulations to everyone except the 4 gun winner who was a rookie. I know that David Reynolds taught him well and that he has been practicing but this was still his first match. I was not there but I understand that he did very well.
I let David have the rifle his son used after he begged me for it for 2 years (my mistake), so I know the rifle is good.
The barrel was also my recommendation and chambered by Billy Stevens so we know the gunsmithing was good. The bullets were by Bart and I know they were good. I'm also sure that David helped in the loading so that was probably good also.
Neverteless he still pulled the trigger and kicked butt on his first match ever.
How are going to get new blood into the sport if we ignore them when they do good?
This hobbie does not pay anything. The only satisfaction you may get is a a piece of wood and a small acknowledgement that you "done good".

Larry Costa
I sure did enjoy Sidney being there and visiting with him. he's a good ole redneck like me. I just wish he woulda been a spectator as good as he shot. just a good dude all around- kinda takes after his daddy:p look forward to seein them again and sure missed you being there Larry.
That's a large point Larry makes

Surely, everyone at the match individually congratulated Sidney at the moment and Mickey posted the results in a timely manner. Larry is sayin' that ain't good enough and I hope we all agree.

Good shootin' Sidney!
Sidney put on an amazing performance. Saturday night David was in first in the four gun and Sidney was in second or third. I remember Sidney saying he was going to kick his dad's butt the next day...something about he knew exactly what his dad was going to do, but his dad didn't know what he was going to do.

Normally on Saturday night that's just the beer and testosterone talking, but Sidney pulled it off.

Did I hear some crying from Larry about letting that gun go? :D:D:D

I'd be crying too!