Question on the LT 322


Active member
Ok so supposedly some great shooters are vouching for the new supposedly T 322 pwder.
Heres the question I've heard thru the grape vine that it will be 9 months before it available.Correct?
Then here s the other question,s
Will this be ONE lot of powder only ONE TIME?
Will you be able to dupliacte it right on the nose a second time? Will it be consistant from lot to lot?
Will it be readily avaiable? How much will it cost? Will the cost get High like some other powders?
I called last week about the powder and was told it would be about 6 months. Accurate Arms/ Western Powder has the powder. The hold up is the FEDS/ DOT. The DOT have to make sure it is safe to ship the way they ship all powders.
Sounds like the bottom line, because the government is involved, is who knows when it will be available. Lee
Ah, the next batch of "unobtanium".

I have fell for every other "miracle cure",, (Reloader 10x, new 8208), I might as well get in line for this as well.........jackie

Maybe that shouldn't be a line, it should be a circle :eek: Anyway, at least it isn't to expensive to test. Unlike the new 8208, if they ship the same thing (or close) to the test lots, all should be well but a miracle...

I called last week about the powder and was told it would be about 6 months. Accurate Arms/ Western Powder has the powder. The hold up is the FEDS/ DOT. The DOT have to make sure it is safe to ship the way they ship all powders.

Obviously test lots or samples have been shipped with "DOT" blessings or at any rate regulations. The rest of us have to wait
till the 2013 lot is available. Can we buy futures in this commodity
Ah, the next batch of "unobtanium".

I have fell for every other "miracle cure",, (Reloader 10x, new 8208), I might as well get in line for this as well.........jackie

I won't say I'll not give it a try, but to me, when I see a target with that many nice groups across an entire load ladder, I think, "damn that's a good barrel" not "damn that's a good powder". A good powder to me is one that will stay in tune from December to July without much fussing around, and that is yet to be seen with this LT-32!

A Smokeless Powder test data has limited meaning without established protocols. It will be interesting to hear what shooters from various regions have to say, when it has been made available.

Thanks to the person/people who are responsible for making an effort to satisfy a demanding market. New products are always welcome,especially in a "Extreme Accuracy" Sport.

Ah, the next batch of "unobtanium".

I have fell for every other "miracle cure",, (Reloader 10x, new 8208), I might as well get in line for this as well.........jackie

Jackie, you forgot the new BR bullet !
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Ok so then T32 will be labeled T32 and the rest will be 2015?
Thats what I, reading lou?. How big will the lots be? will the price go up after it takes off?
Will it be available on a regular basis?
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will the price go up after it takes off?

no sir, in this market based economy as the demand goes up the price will come down.......

did you watch the pricing on the imr8208 ??


mike in co
Lou...Thank YOU for your are trying to make a difference in the shooting sports.....Roger
As for myself, I am looking forward to being able to try the new powder. I am sick and tired of cutting kernels while throwing charges with 133.

The powder is no differnet than welcoming the new Berger bullet.

There may be many who question the powder development but I say KUDOS to Lou and all who have been involved. This is the most we have seen Lou post on this forum so he must stand by what he has tested and seen. My hats off to you Lou. One heck of a man to put his neck out there and potentially take some heat.

I wait for the day that a match is left up entirely to the person pulling the trigger and there flag reading over having to worry whether or not the rifle is in tune or staying in tune.
One heck of a man to put his neck out there and potentially take some heat.


I agree. And this ain't the only time he's done it. Remember March scopes, XBR powder, Norma 6ppc brass, and now Berger and Lt32. The man has really worked hard for us.
LT 32is here, It just needs a dot number. There's more being made now.
Western worked out a deal that GD will bring each lot with in our percent burn rate and volume to density

If it's not within the perimeters, that lot will be sold under the name 2015

So LT32 will maintain very close lot to lot and 2015 will differ from lot to lot.

As you said imr8208 first lot was great and yes they never even came close
From then on. But they did not try and duplicate t32 after the said they were going to Australia to make the powder And not Canada.

Yes we should have this powder in the summer and that seems a long time away.
Well it's not to me it's like tomorrow since this has taken 9 years to get to this point.

Lou, if you don't mind a question on imr8208. I have an 8 lb canister with a gold label on which I cannot find a lot number anywhere. What was the first lot number and where do they print it?


should have been an orange sticker in the side..with the lot number...

mike in co
Lou, can you please tell how this new powder compares to H322?
Faster, slower, similar?
I might want to try it in my .30 BR which shoots pretty good now with H322.
