Question on bench setup and rear bag

Post some pics of that rubber. If its that drawer liner stuff itll make big groups. All bags need some type of slick-um. Gotta break the bond as quick as possible upon recoil. Use baby powder or bag wax on leather or powder or silicone spray on cordura. Ive even seen some use dryer sheets in the past. Make it as slick as possible with no rocking. Sliding your gun back n forth the dot should come back to the same spot on your target and after recoil should return back verrry close. If not you need to find out why and fix it. The name of the game is fast and having to adjust much between shots equals slow.
Some bags are "sticky" and some are not. This is not really a problem but just make sure the rifle breaks cleanly from the rear bag and stops on your shoulder before anything strikes the bag. Watch somebody shoot your setup and see if you can tell what's going on there. If you determine the bag is moving, do whatever you need to do to prevent that. Maybe it's not set straight (in line) with the rifle and target. With a joy stick rest it would seem that it wouldn't matter after the first shot.

Does your front rest work as intended? Make sure. Are the rest feet in the same exact place from start to finish? We used to beat those things into the bench so they wouldn't have a chance of moving but I don't know what folks are doing now....Superfeet I suppose.
Post some pics of that rubber. If its that drawer liner stuff itll make big groups. All bags need some type of slick-um. Gotta break the bond as quick as possible upon recoil. Use baby powder or bag wax on leather or powder or silicone spray on cordura. Ive even seen some use dryer sheets in the past. Make it as slick as possible with no rocking. Sliding your gun back n forth the dot should come back to the same spot on your target and after recoil should return back verrry close. If not you need to find out why and fix it. The name of the game is fast and having to adjust much between shots equals slow.

Yes it's the draw cabinet non slide rubber you get at Walmart or lowes. The good news is I have a lot to try and I thank you all for your help.
First thing is get rid of that drawer liner. Its made from foam and lets the bag rock and float around. Best thing is a skip otto bag stabilizer from sinclair. Itll make the bag solid
Post some pics of that rubber. If its that drawer liner stuff itll make big groups. All bags need some type of slick-um. Gotta break the bond as quick as possible upon recoil. Use baby powder or bag wax on leather or powder or silicone spray on cordura. Ive even seen some use dryer sheets in the past. Make it as slick as possible with no rocking. Sliding your gun back n forth the dot should come back to the same spot on your target and after recoil should return back verrry close. If not you need to find out why and fix it. The name of the game is fast and having to adjust much between shots equals slow.

Dusty, this is just anecdotal, but this happenned to me last year.

We had a match at Tomball, (score), and it had rained. I had accidentally left my entire bench setup out, and it got soaking wet.

The Rifle was darned near glued to the bags. I just had to make the best of a bad situation.

I shot 25 X's. The Rifle never shot better.

Now granted, this was score, and since you have to move the Rifle to a different position on the target for each shot, the usual procedures that you mentioned become sort of a moot point.

But, it sure got me to thinking.
I shoot better when my gun doesnt slide like its on bearings. I used to strive for zero friction and have used every concoction known to man on cordura. Now i use shuffleboard wax or plain jane baby powder on leather. I can slide back up to the stop now after a shot and usually be on the dot or no more than one ring away. I kinda found what you did on my outdoor practice bench one day a few years ago. It was wet, i threw my superfeet down and went to slide my rest into position after i put the gun in. I couldnt move my rest or my back bag sitting down i had to stand upand break it loose
Folks do quite a bit of unnecessary stuff while loading shells and shooting Benchrest targets!
Could the issue be with front rest and not the rear bag???

I have found on occasion that the movement of the rear bag was due to my rifle not be squared up with the front rest. The front rest wouldn't move so the recoil pushed the rear bag some. The rear bag always moved in the same direction each shot. Ironically, I mark where my rest feet are so the front rest would be in the same place each match so the struggle continued. Once I re-positioned the front rest, the problem went away.
My problem was the rear bag moving forward ever so slightly every time I returned the rifle to battery. Once I realized what was happening scores improved greatly.