question about shooting boat tail bullets.......


scott mims

are the majority of people shooting these bullets using 13.5 twist barrels are do they shoot just as well with the normal 14 twist barrels?
Saw a friend install new 1/14 twist Saturday even at Brocks Gap and shot BARTS 68 BT
Sunday, 6 of 10 matches were in teens . Look at Scotty Grimes groups on Sunday !
Gene Bukys (maybe the hottest shooter today) uses Bartlein barrels that have a slight gain twist. They are something on the order of 14.0 to 13.8 (not sure of the exact numbers). He shoots Lowell Hottenstein's 68 gr, BT built on an .825 jacket. Good shooting....James
I normally shoot 67 grain BT bullets, and have had considerable success with 13.5 twist Kreiger barrels. In South Africa at the WBC, I used a 13.75 Bartlien with the same pills and did OK.
I also have a 13.75-14 twist Bartlien that handles those bullets very well.

Yesterday I was running in a new 14 twist Maddco (Australian made) HV barrel with those bullets and this barrel has a 14 twist. Groups into the twos at 200 yards would seem to indicate no problems.