

New member
1st target barring any protest. Connection was not very good and hard to understand. This is what I understood!

1. Tony Harper
2. Ted Paul
3. Freed Leeds
4. Chris Gilmer
5. Jim Miller
6. Jessica Pappas
7. Bob Cleveland
8. Mark Meadows
9. Bill Hingardner (sp)
10. Kirk Gaston

Again I apologize for any misspellings or other errors. Protest may change the official standings.
Target #2

1. Chris Gilmer
2. Bob Cleveland
3. Richard Gorham
4. Alan Hall
5. Joe Pucci (sp)
6. Jessica Pappas
7. Fred Rost
8. Mac Ahart
9. Roger Brock
10. Jon McKinney

Again I apologize for any misspellings or other errors. This is not official and may change with any protests or errors.
Nasty Weather

Was out at Pioneer this morning around 9:30 it was rather cool and wind blowing pretty good and was starting to rain. Will be shooting there tomorrow
in are first ARA match this year.

Target # 3

1. Gary Cox
2. Roger Brock
3. Bill Pippen
4. Dennis Sallin
5. Mike Meadows
6. Darrell Barnes
7. Tim Stratton
8. Glen Townley
9. Tim Miller
10. Richard Gorham

The way it is posted now unless something changes!
3 way Point tie for 10th. with R. Gorham winning out on tie breaker.
High targets

weather conditions rainy and windy!

1st target high score 2150
2nd target high score 2200
3rd target high score 2300
1. Gary Cox
2. Roger Brock
3. Bill Pippen
4. Dennis Sallin
5. Mike Meadows
6. Darrell Barnes
7. Tim Stratton
8. Glen Townley
9. Tim Miller
10. Richard Gorham

The way it is posted now unless something changes!
3 way Point tie for 10th. with R. Gorham winning out on tie breaker.

Way to go pippin, hang in there