Hi All
PRX and center fires. That is one of the projects I am trying to get more information on. What I am finding, like Mike said, is that CF rifles seem to "operate " at a much higher frequency. When trying to tune at these higher frequencies, the incidence of QW's start to get really close to each other. What that means is that the separate harmonic tunes are spaced much closer together. The 27th may be a bit high, but the 21st is definitely in the running.
One of the things to consider as well, is the pressures at the muzzle. If the tuner is too long it will require that the tuner will need to be threaded on versus clamping so you don't end up shooting it off the end of the barrel. This would be a bad thing
One of the designs I am working on is a shorter tuner with a larger inner diameter. The larger ID would allow for the rapid expansion of gases and the shorter tube would keep pressures from rising too high. If I can get a handle on the pressures, the tuner can be clamped in place
I would really like to do a proof of concept, but I don't have a quality CF BR gun.
Another thing to consider may be counter boring. At these higher frequencies the depth of counter bore may only be only be about an inch or so. But this is a permanent mod to a barrel, and I am not to fond of recommending it, due to the possibilities of turning a great barrel into a tomatoe stake.
I would really like to see what we can do to make this work. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated.
Have a great night all