Pete Wass
Well-known member
Not having a YouTube channel to demonstrate and not having the interest to figure out how to post pictures here I'll write a report on a couple of products I highly recommend. I have been using a cleaning solvent called Wipe-Out Patch-Out for a couple of years now in all of the rifles I shoot be they Rimfire or Centerfire and have found it to be the most effective cleaner of all fouling. It removes copper and carbon quite easily. I simply dunk a brush, stroke the brush 5 to ten times, let it set and patch it out. As CF barrels age, the carbon imbeds in the lands and grooves and in leu of soaking for longer periods I do the same with Rem-clean and the barrel is sparkling.
The other is Shooters World powder. Since if it is nearly impossible to get Varget, I was fortunate enough to be able to buy some Shooters World Precision Rifle. I saw a review in which the presenter said the powder was a hair better than Varget and was $8. per pound less money. I set my 6BR barrel back a few days ago and being down to 1 pound of Varget, went for the PR for tuning. I like it lot and think it is a cleaner burning powder. Made the barrel group great. The price was and is attractive plus the performance. Shipped, $33. per pound.
The other is Shooters World powder. Since if it is nearly impossible to get Varget, I was fortunate enough to be able to buy some Shooters World Precision Rifle. I saw a review in which the presenter said the powder was a hair better than Varget and was $8. per pound less money. I set my 6BR barrel back a few days ago and being down to 1 pound of Varget, went for the PR for tuning. I like it lot and think it is a cleaner burning powder. Made the barrel group great. The price was and is attractive plus the performance. Shipped, $33. per pound.