problems with my 25-06



does anyone know why my 25-06 will shoot dead nut at first shot then 2 inches high second shot and then 3 inches low with the 3rd. go inside reload, first two shots are decent (About the size of a nickle) then the 3rd is either way high or low my velocities are consistantly around 3050 berger 115 gr vld hunting bullet win brass and primer
You didn't give enough information. What brand action, barrel, scope, etc. What have you tried? Loose scope or bases, loose action screws, poor bedding, etc.
It is a model 110 Savage 25-06. It has a Redfield 3x9x50 scope just bought a week ago. Had a Burris 3x9 on it before it. I have bedded the barrel. I just cant figure out what is wrong with it. I have always kept it clean. I just cant figure it out.
I dont know wats wrong but try a 90 gr bullet . A lot of 25 06 wont shoot the heavy bullet. good luck Max
Three possibilities I can think of. The first, and most likely, is heat. Something could be off in terms of the fit of the barrel, action, or stock. As the "system" warms, things don't move evenly. It could be the fit is fine and it is just one of those barrels, but the 5-inch, three shot groups suggest more than that. Checking/fixing this sort of thing is a matter for a good gunsmith.

The second most likely possibility is something is just wrong with the scope or scope mounting. Are things tight? Can you swap out to another scope & mounts? You say you had another scope on it. Did that show the same pattern? Have you checked the mounts -- bases & rings?

The third possibility would be the twist rate, which I believe is 1-10 for your Savage. I have a factory-rebarreled Savage in .25/06 I used for Factory Class in 1,000 yard benchrest. I used 110 grain Fowlers (a flat base bullet, no longer available). It shot quite well. A Berger VLD is probably a longer bullet, and may not be stable in the 1-10 at the temperature/elevation you're shooting at.

A fourth, slim possibility is that your rifle doesn't like the particular bullet/powder combination, but you're talking about 5-inch groups at 100 yards. That is larger than the usual out-of-tune, or "doesn't like" scenario.

If you have any shorter bullets to hand -- lighter is the usual claim, but gyroscopic stability is more a factor of bullet length than weight -- give them a try. I doubt that will work, and most likely you'll need a good gunsmith.

If, by process of elimination, it does turn out to be just the barrel, I'd rebarrel it with a custom barrel from any of the advertisers on this forum -- Hart, Lilja, Pac-Nor, Shilen, etc. When I had my Savage rebarreled by the factory, it cost more than using a custom barrel. I had to do this to stay legal for Factory Class, but that's not one of your goals, I assume.

The .25/06 is a great chambering for long-range shooting. Way under appreciated, I'd say. And now that Randy Robinett is making benchrest-quality .25 bullets, (as well as the Bergers), it is fully benchrest-capable for 1,000 yard use. Of course, it's capabilities for hunting have long been appreciated.

Good luck to you
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Well I actually have two 25-06 and they are both do it now. I first bought a H&R Ultra and my load with that was IMR 4831 with a 85 Nosler Ballistic Tip and I was shooting that good, I was shooting woodchucks and coyotes out to 400 yrds. Not bad for that gun. Well like anything else, I wanted more. So I bought the 87 gr. Burger target. WOW, almost one holeing at 100 yrds. Dident like the ty ass bushnell 3x9 so I bought a Nikon (not a Burris) and the Berger 115 gr. VLD Hunting figureing I would just shoot alot better and wow was I wrong. Tried going back to original scope but nothin. The only thing I havent tried is going back to Nosler. I had my mind set on those Bergers. Now for the other rifle. Thats a Savage Model 110 and came as a package with a Simmons scope. Picked that up a couple days before deer season and couldnt play with a load but it shot the Berger 115 VLD fine. But for some F-in reason I decided to bed it. I have bedded guns before so this wasent a problem. I have only shot what ammo I had loaded up for this gun but for some reason it started to shoot like the other 25-06. First shot might be 4 inches high, next two could be almost touchin and dead center. Go in and reload 3 rounds, shoot them and the first one is way low ( 3-5" ) next is dead center and the third is 3-5" high . ?????? Its frustrating as hell. I have a 6.5-284 custom by Hart a .243 30-06 and dont have a problem with none of them. I just cant figure these two out. I have checked the scopes and I even lapped the rings. Go figure ! Spend more money, guess I'll try the Noslers again. I also tried a different powder - H4350. Velocities are 3050 with 47.0 gr of H4350. Barrel dosent feel hot. Any qlues ?
The fact you stated you bedded the barrel throws up big red flags to me. Typo or true?
"I have bedded the barrel". That is the first place I would look. Why would you bed a barrel?

As bad as it is shooting, your problem is way beyond "load" and "tuning", something must be mechanically wrong.

That is unless your twist is simply too slow for that big Berger. What di the bullet holes in the target look like?.........jackie
Id get with a gunsmith that deals with savages. you bead them difrent. why did you bed the barrel?

I have owned a .25/06 for about 25 years for long range varminting. Here are some things I have learned. Mine built on a rem 700 action sleved, with a 1-10 twist shillen barrel. Barrels seem to burn out fast. 1500 rounds and it's time for a new tube if you want to keep it under 1 minute at 200 yds.

That twist is good for bullets up to 90gn by the time you get to 100gn you are in trouble. The bullet seating seems to need adjusting every 300 rounds because of the rate the throat gets blasted away. It always seems to go sour abruptly.

Finally the new breed of Redfield scopes are not what they used to be. A friend of mine took his 4x-12x back after a week because something began ratteling in it.

"Why would you bed the barrel?"................perhaps because there's a vid out there by AGI that shows exactly that...... epoxy bed the whole length of the barrel in addition to the action. I've seen it and told a friend that was NOT the way to do it, but he insisted on doing that method on his Model 7 with tupperware stock...uggghhh.
Andy how does that 700 shoot after it was sleved? thanks Max
It is a model 110 Savage 25-06. It has a Redfield 3x9x50 scope just bought a week ago. Had a Burris 3x9 on it before it. I have bedded the barrel. I just cant figure out what is wrong with it. I have always kept it clean. I just cant figure it out.

Just speculation on my part, but if you have glass bedded the barrel, that could very well be the problem. Glass bedding was the rage many years ago, and after acquiring a Sako L461 short action chambered in.222 with a custom barrel manufactured in Springfield, MO?? that wouldn't shoot under 3/4" groups with ANY load, I glass bedded the action and barrel and got some very interesting results. Impact points varied less than 1/2" vertically with the first couple of shots only varying 1/2" horizontically. However any subsequent rounds would produce a horizontal "string" of roughly 6"!!

After painstakingly removing the epoxy, I replaced the existing barrel with a new Shilen that shot consistantly between 1/4 and 1/2" groups.

After the sleve

Hi Max,
Sorry for the delay in replying. Been away. It is hard to know how much difference the sleve made. After I bought the 700adl with a very skinny barrel I only shot it for a year until I had the money to build it the way I wanted it. Really just bought the action and trigger at a good price.

So it was sleved, glued into a CF McMillan stock, target trigger modification made, a fluted shillen barrel attached and dies made at the same time. Consequently it went from agging just above moa to the mid to high two's. But I agreed with the gunsmith John Giles at PSECO there was no point in attaching a barrel of that weight to an unsleved action.

Thanks andy ive got a couple of 700 i was going to try it on. Thanks max