Problems with Anschutz 5018 trigger

704 reese

New member
I am having a problem with my trigger after you fire the gun it will not recock . The only way to make it work is to with the bolt open pull the trigger back again, you then here a click and it will reset. Does anyone know which of the screws need to be adjusted.
I was told to clean it with lighter fluid then use air to clean that out . I cleaned it 3 times that way, it would start to work correct, put the barrel and trigger back in the stock after firing the gun 2 times right back were I started. Took it back apart and watched the trigger work when closing the bolt I foung out that moving the trigger back made it move and would let it recock every time. Shot a card of 25 bullets that way no problem just as long as you remember to move the trigger back after every shot.
5018 trigger adjustment, from Anschütz

704 reese,

First off welcome to
I own an Annie with the 5018 trigger.
Here are the scanned sheets from Anschutz's booklet that came with my rifle.

Hope this helps.



Phil aka tazzman
Sounds like the sear is not returning properly. Possible sear return spring is broken or binding.
Don't know ANYTHING about triggers but if it works everytime out of the stock and not in the stock you may have an interference problem. I actually had such a problem but I also had a broke spring as Fred J mentioned on another occasion. Had to very carefully cock the rifle while holding the trigger "pulled" and then let go to shoot - darn near ran out of time on that target but I finished it. I'd like to say it was a good score but sadly it WARN'T.
There is a spring in there, check the scans above. The other problem could be the first stage of the trigger is too lite. It is in the instructions as well.
Chick Wilburs advice first, Steve
What I have found by watching the trigger work, is when you open the bolt after firing the gun the catch link does not return all the way back to the cocking position.But when you pull back on the trigger the second time it moves back.