Precision Shooting/ Ruger 1022 article



I read the PS Feb/12 article about accurizing the Ruger 1022 and failed to glean any detailed information to perform this job. I found the article poorly written. Did anyone read it and actually understand the author's DIY explanation for barrel-filing or bedding?

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Very poorly written article. Seems the author was quoting hearsay. I don't think he knows how to actually bed or alter the barrel. Precision Shooting is sadly "drifting".
Very poorly written article. Seems the author was quoting hearsay. I don't think he knows how to actually bed or alter the barrel. Precision Shooting is sadly "drifting".

I have to agree - the magazine has become pretty much of a farce. It has always been a bit eclectic but the last few years I have difficulty finding anything in it worth reading.

The article could have used more detail, but if this magazine folds, what will I have to read in the john? American Rifleman is nothing but hype about new 1911/AR15 clones.
I for one would miss this periodical badly, it is a source of joy for me to get mail that is not a bill.

The 10/22 article was not compatible with my experience regarding this rifle model. Specifically the accuracy standard that was chosen seemed a bit "open" to me.
While I have not read the article in question, a whole lot has been done with these "tabletop gunsmith" rifles, and I would encourage those interested to visit for various tips and tricks, as well as evaluation of different aftermarket parts for these guns.
Take care,
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As much as it pained me, I let my subscription run out last year after reading an article about a tactical AR, which came across as a sales pitch more than informative. That was the third strike. Can't recall what the first two were, but whatever those were, I was already annoyed by the time of #3. Ironically though, I was considering getting another subscription.. not so sure now.
You guys have heard the joke about the military MRE, "Meal Ready to Eat" being "three lies in one"? That article in PS was three mistakes in one.
A title like "Ruger 10/22 Tips" ought to qualify us as forewarned. I found the articles on crown variation , bedding damage effects on accuracy, brass dynamics and plastic tipped bullet stability formula interesting, well developed, well supported and informing. I haven't even gotten to Willie Boy yet. Sheesh, we can be a tough crowd.

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The 10/22 article had no place in PS. Worse than poorly written. We never did learn the improvement in accuracy from the proposed "improvements", but I have a feeling the author is satisfied with 2 inches at 50 yards after his work!

Written without a clue.
A title like "Ruger 10/22 Tips" ought to qualify us as forewarned. I found the articles on crown variation , bedding damage effects on accuracy, brass dynamics and plastic tipped bullet stability formula interesting, well developed, well supported and informing. I haven't even gotten to Willie Boy yet. Sheesh, we can be a tough crowd.


I agree on your points. I like the magazine. Geeze, is EVERYTHING supposed to be interesting to EVERYONE? There are bloopers in all magazines. This is the only gun mag I know of with actual technical articles. The AR? Terrible. They had a run of over a year when the focused on military rifles and those articles were interesting. But, read the AR from the 30's and 40's vs. today....sad!

I have always appreciated "The Last Post". Interesting information on characters during a very dynamic period in our history. --Greg
I see poorly written articles, quite frequently,in my Big town newspaper, that I have subscribed to for 25 years. I don't intend to cancel my subsription any time soon. I might miss a really great article.
