Prayers Needed for Dennis Tinkem Tonight!

Guys and Gals...
Just got off the phone with Harley Baker. He told me Dennis Tinkem had called him from a payphone in a restaurant earlier this afternoon, waiting for an ambulance to pick him up.
Apparently, Dennis was shooting at his home range in Arkansas this afternoon and somehow his gun blew-up? Harley claims Dennis said there was a bullet stuck in the barrel(?) when the gun blew up? Details were very sketchy, at best, due to Dennis's shock condition while he tried to relay the story to Harley.
Harley told me Dennis had called him back from his cell phone this evening, after the inital emergency room attending doctor had examined Dennis, whereby a peice of metal was found to be lodged behind his right eye...
Please... keep Dennis in your thoughts and prayers tonight.
Will provide any and all updates, as I recieve them from Harley, regarding Dennis's condition.
This could easily have happened to anyone of us while we have been or will be distracted at some point during a critical reloading step, etc....
Pray, pray and pray for Dennis's complete recovery!!
Pray, pray, pray....
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Prayers for dennis tinkem tonight.

Consider it done. '' let's pray it turns out all right ''
Eye Damage

Pray for him and the skill of his surgeon. Last Nov I had a gun blow up in my face and the metal went thru to the back of my right eye. The first surgery they removed the eye and worked on it from the back. Next major operation they went in from the front and removed scar tissue, more metal, fixed the retina and filled the eye with gas.
Was blind for 9 weeks in that eye but now with glasses the eyesight in that eye is 20/40.
So please pray that he will have a skilled surgeon and that he will recover fully--and we ALL should be wearing shooting glasses.
Paul C. Ryan
Are prayers are with Dennis and his family > What a nice guy and a great shooter. Thanks for letting us know Jack.

Marty and Jack Childers
Prayers for Dennis

I just got off the phone with Dennis. He had surgery last night to remove a piece of metal from behind his eye but the doctors could not locate it and he is going back into surgery this morning to have the metal removed. He cannot see out of his right eye and the Eye Surgeon will be meeting with him today and layout the near future about his eye.
This is what happened, he was checking seating depth on a new brand of bullet and the bullet got stuck in the barrel. He used a 6" rod of brass that he dropped down the barrel to dislodge the bullet, the bolt was still in the rifle but it was at the back of the action so the brass rod did not come out. He went back to the line and loaded a live round and that is when the accident happened.
I will keep everyone posted as soon as I know what is going on with Dennis.
Harley Baker
I bought a set of those rods

Think I will take them out of my tool box!

Actually, it was a pair -:)
Prayer for Dennis

Dear Lord,
Tonight our friend and mentor Dennis Tinkham lies wounded and helpless in an Arkansas hospital. We are all so far away that we can not come to his aid or comfort. We pray that you oversee his care and recovery. He has unselfishly helped so many of us through out his life that we now ask for your intervention in his behalf.
" Thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
Dear Lord,
Tonight our friend and mentor Dennis Tinkham lies wounded and helpless in an Arkansas hospital. We are all so far away that we can not come to his aid or comfort. We pray that you oversee his care and recovery. He has unselfishly helped so many of us through out his life that we now ask for your intervention in his behalf.
" Thy kingdom come ,thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven".
Amen, Joel, amen.
Wish Dennis the best!!!!!

Dennis already received a blessing in the fact he is still alive!! As tragic as this is it could have been much worse. He is still here with a chance to move forward.

We as shooters and competitors should use Dennis's accident as an eye opener. We tend to take too lightly some details with respect to starting up new barrels, bullets, equipment or just day to day practice or operation.

Thanks for keeping us updated !!

God please be with Dennis and family!!
Safety Routine

A few years ago, a friend Doc Wazniak, died in an identical shooting accident to Dennis's. This scared me so much, that ever since then, before I insert the bolt in my gun, I peek down the barrel to see that it is clear. Barrel obstructions are deadly. This is a safety routine I'll never quite.
I wish Dennis God Speed in a complete recovery. ...Dave

that is very good advise. After hearing horror stories, I also do the same thing. I always look at my target through the barrel to make sure it is clear before inserting my bolt. Safety glasses are always good too.

You can never be too careful. Dennis is one of the most meticulous guys I have ever known. He looks at everything in the most minute detail and never misses a beat. If someone like Dennis can make a mistake like this, ALL of us are at risk. The look down the barrel trick is probably the best last ditch effort to keep us safe.
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the heat of battle..

I do the same thing to un-stick a bullet or ctg. case....I try to immediately tip the gun down and see and hear the brass rod drop out ...then put it away the title indicates ...when in a hurry ...between relays...getting sighted in ..etc....we ALL make dummmm mistakes.....
The main thing is that he is going to survive and wasnt killed with the explosion.....lets all remember this in our daily routine and keep alert ....and most important of all ,,REMEBER Dennis in our prayers....Roger
God please be with Dennis to a speedy & full recovery & be with his Family in ther time of need. russell m
Dennis is in our prayers

Dennis-We are glad that you were fortunate enough to survive this accident--Joan and I pray that you have a speedy recovery

Jim and Joan Borden