Prayers for Manny Garcia

Kristina, I really hate to hear this. I surely will pray for the old fool. He is just a great guy with some good and grounded offspring.
You guys are very special and loved.
Prayers on the Way, Manny!

All my prayers are with you, Manny, for a fast recovery!

You have come to the medical aid of so very, very many shooters at matches over the years. Can't even think of the large number of shooters you graciously and patiently treated and helped at the matches.

It's time we all return the favor with many offered-up, heartfelt prayers for all your healing intentions.

Please hang in there!

We all love you!

Hang in there Manny!!!

You are a tough guy. We are hoping and praying Dr's can do for you what you have done for so many in your long illustrious career...

Love you man

Wayne & Pam
Doc give all you got


Put as much effort into getting well as you have with everything you do.
The benchrest community is pulling for you.
Get well quick.

Gary Ocock
Manny Hope you have a super fast recover. We all are praying for you wanting to see you and your Kids at the up coming Super shoot for sure.

Manny, we missed you at Phoenix this year. We will be praying for the doctors to get you fixed up, healed and back to the shooting sport and most importantly getting to spend lots and lots more years with your family. Hope to see you at the East West this year and the Nationals in St. Louis. Get well and back up and going. Probably not any benchrest shooter or their family that hasn’t had a prescription written by Manny on whatever piece of paper was available.
Manny helth news

Manny mon ami please get well soon and we all look forward to see you and your family at Kelbly's for the Super Shoot.
Update on Manny

How about a update on Manny please

Dan Honert

Hi Bart, I showed Dad your video and he responded well. He is unable to communicate due to the breathing tube that has been inserted down his throat.

Dad is very sick and has a very difficult struggle ahead of him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers… Thank you so much for the video and for checking in!
Hi Bart, I showed Dad your video and he responded well. He is unable to communicate due to the breathing tube that has been inserted down his throat.

Dad is very sick and has a very difficult struggle ahead of him. Please continue to keep him in your prayers… Thank you so much for the video and for checking in!

Thanks Bart