ppc on a 308 bolt face


Active member
Fellas guess what? LOL!! I have another topic i would like to learn a bit more about if you dont mind to much. I know that you can shoot a 6ppc on some 308 bolt faces. Does this effect accuracy any though when this is done? Here is my deal. I got a great deal on a BAT SV with right bolt left port 308 bolt. After talking with some good people here i have decided to concentrate , or try my very best to concentrate on one discipline this year. I want to shoot with my good friend Jim and he shoots point blank benchrest with a ppc. I feel that this is the best way for me to learn good solid info about bench technique load development and good shooting skills. Anyway I am a gun junky and i have this nice used BAt SV action. I think i will build a 6ppc. My question is, should i do it with this 308 BAT Sv or sell it for another action with a ppc bolt face. I have a nice LV McMillan Bruno stock coming as well. I will need a barrel and a benchrest smith to put it together for me. I also understand that the BAT SV actions need a bit of work before they are ready to be used in the ppc. Something about firing pin and spring?? So, Should i use this action i got used, or should i start with 100% fresh equipment, meaning a ppc bolt action? I want very much to excel at this game and i am tired of doing things my way. It has been a lot of fun, but i am a competitor and i want to do this right. I have my old Hall action ppc that i just got through a complete buy out of a good man that no longer can shoot. I havent gotten the chance to shoot this rifle yet, and i really hope it performs well. The barrels for this rifle have several rounds fired, but should have some life left in them. I want to set the second gun up with the same stock so i can have whatever one of them for a back up. Some of you may have heard me talk about my shotgunning career. I was a serious competitor and was on the illinois all state team for several years. I always had a back up shotgun, and i see this sport to be no different in that respect. So can i use this bat or get something else. Thanks as always fellas! Lee
Yes Skeet a .308 bf is equally accurate....... absolutely no need for going through the hassle of switching out to a PPC. About ten years ago there were still people claiming that the PPC bf was somehow "more accurate" but as far as I know this idea has withered and died ((as it should.))

I have a Jerry Stiller Viper action that has the universal bolt face. 6ppc or 6br. I think the only difference other than the .473 bolt face is a bit longer extractor. I only shoot it as a 6ppc, but am thinking I "need" a 30BR. Got to keep the brain active...


Build a 6ppc on it and don't worry...A mate of mine over here shoots a Bat SV with a 308 boltface and won the State 4 gun this year with it...If your worried about the difference in boltface size just cut a bush from a fireformed 6ppc case and make a cut out for the extractor and glue it into the boltface...easy to take out if you ever want to shoot a 308 base case later on.

sorry butch i did look and i didnt find anything i was looking for. Maybe i am not using the search to its fullest. The last thing i wanted was to have someone tell me to use the search.
I knew that i could use the 308 bolt, but i just didnt know if I would be giving up anything in performance by doing so. Plus i was hoping someone could shed a little light on the proper mods that need to be done to the SV spring and firing pin. I figure that the pin needs turned and bushed to make it a bit smaller in diameter but i dont know about the spring. I have heard some very knowledgeable folks talk about changing out the spring in there SV but why? Are they to weak? I realise a competent smith already knows all these things and that he will take care of them. I just like to know these things as well. simply because its interesting to me. thanks fellas i always appreciate the info!! Lee
sir to be honest i dont know. Its not made it here yet. It should be here on tuesday or wed or there abouts. Why do you ask sir? Lee
I have a Hall action with a standard bolt face and I have and extractor that Allen made me for the PPC and one for the standard .473 case. It shoots the PPC like a dream and the standard case just as well.

It is not even close to being a problem.
my action is a right bolt left port. I dont think it will have one, but i may be wrong. This will be my first ever BAT Action so i am pretty excited. I hope it works out ok. I am sure it will. Lee
I too have used .308 bolt faces with no problem.
I really apprecaite all the knowledge on this forum and have really learned a lot from you fellas. Most of the folks here are qiuck to respond with great knowledge of the sport.
As for Butch, there's a small button on your computer that allows you to quickly go to another thread. Give it a try or take a chill pill!