powder scale & making coffee

Charles E


French Press :
4T16 oz (470 ml)28 gr4 to 6 min
8T32 oz (950 ml)56 gr4 to 6 min
12T48 oz (1420 ml)84 gr4 to 6 min
*Tip: Plunge after infusion time, then wait four minutes and pour slowly

"gr" is grams here, there are 15.4 grains per gram.

Remembered the coffee thread (.270 Winchester brass in the Factory/Hybrid forum), and remembered that we'd been given a French Press I never use, so I though I'd give it a try according to instructions.

Dumped in 424 grains of freshly coarse-ground coffee (weighed to the nearest 4 grains) & added 16 ounces of water about the right temp. "Infused" for 5 minutes, pressed her on down, waited 4 minutes & poured slowly.

Pretty darn good.

Now I remember why we don't use that French Press -- that makes about 1 mug of coffee for me. OK for after dinner if my wife doesn't want any, forget about it for breakfast.

May decide to get a larger FP, though...After a while, I'll figure out a way to skip the powder scales, & just go by eye.

Here's the link, if anyone knows a better one, let us know. Far as I'm concerned, there's no shooting before good coffee.

There just aint enough time left on this earth! I use a Bunn, brews 1.5 quarts in about a minute............. I do this twice a day, keep two quart thermi in constant rotation.


Yes, but...

And I forgot to add the main reason I started this thread in the first place:

On weighing ground coffee: It is much more accurate to measure roasted coffee by weight, since dark roasted coffee takes up more room than light roast. A "standard coffee scoop" (which in reality can vary widely) ought to be equal to two level Tbsps, which is be 8 to 9 grams of dark roast, or 10 to 11 grams of light roast coffee.

I'm assuming that once you've gotten a "visual picture" in your head about how much "your" coffee weighs, you can go back to volume.

But when you try out a new type, better to weigh.

I must say the coffee I just made in the drip pot this morning isn't as good as that FP-made cup last night.
Charles, you should do it the way we do down here in S.E. Louisiana.

Buy a 2 piece coffee pot. Only available down here. Cut a 1 foot square section out of one of your wife's best pillow cases.:mad:
Thoroughly wash the cloth. Poke the cloth down into the top of the coffee pot (wet or dry). Place 1 heaping tablespoon of Community Coffe & Chickory
(or coffee grounds as we say down here) per cup (or more if you dare.)

Boil water in a pot next to the coffee pot. Pour just enough water on top of the coffee grounds to dampen.

Then continue pouring a bit of water (perhaps 1/4 cup at a time) until each pour completely drains into the bottom of the pot.

When you have enough for at least 4 cups or 12 or 30, pour a cup full. Add milk (hot milk is better for cafe au lait) sugar or just black
and you now have the best damn cup of coffee that can be had anywhere in the world.

And that's the truth.

P.S.: Charles, your powder has scales?

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On the barge, we just plug a electric pot into the welding mach and dump water & coffe into the pot. Forget it, and you either get a real strong cup of coffee, or you just burn up the electric coffe pot. Will not harm the welder.
So Charles, when you drink how do you hold your cup? Pinch or curl?

I gener'ly pinch with just a stabilizing curl on my index so's I can keep my pinkie finger off the (ouch!) bottom of the shell.... NEVER though would I put a digit THROUGH the handle.... ohh my....and if I'm truly interested in the person across the table from me I might use the other hand just to touch my wrist. But again, never grasping, just brushing.....

Take THAT Wilburrrr!!!!!


"My name is Al and I'm a coffee snob." ;)

A great cup of coffee is one of lifes little pleasures. Bad coffee is just one step up from pig slop. My favorites beans are Sulawesi and World Market's Island Blend. There's some very good beans out there for very small money.....Eight O'Clock Coffee comes to mind. Getting a decent ginder (like a Krups) and grinding just enough beans for two to three days is a good start. The coarsness of the grind depends on the type of filter used and the the coffee maker.

If you want to try something good, use an old percolator like this Faberware unit (http://www.target.com/p/farberware-classic-yosemite-8-cup-stainless-steel-percolator/-/A-11044799), drop your grounds in and then crack a fresh egg over the grounds before you start. The result is what we Forbidden Zoners call 'cowboy coffee'. Smooth with ten 'o's..........(smooooooooooth)

Great coffee is where you find it....kinda' like a great barrel.

Good sippin'. :) -Al
"It's not a purse, it's a European shoulder bag. It was a gift."

Gotta' love Flo. I bet she drinks good coffee......... -Al
These savages will soon be yelling at each other and making a scene as they slap each other with their purses.

Really? Sometime when we're at a match & can have a private word, I'll tell you about a Minnesota farmer's daughter who made coffee like Al (Nyhus) described. It was 40-some years ago, but both were good enough I still remember, fondly...
Illy Dark Roast Mmmmm.. What you call a French press we call a Cafetiere.

Best way to make coffee I know without going to the faff of using an espresso machine.
Charles I dont think this thread could ever be complete without a challenge as to the accuracy of said scales. I mean as we all know .033 of a grain in your measurement can make all the difference in a cup of coffee. Added to that if you try to add chickory to that as in Roy's case you have to be able to measure down to .0001 or it will be unfit to drink.
As Maxine Says

I was in Starbucks recently when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to fart. The music was really loud so I timed my fart with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs I started to feel better. I finished my coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at me… And suddenly I remembered I was listening to my iPod …and how was your day?
That's what happens when old people start using technology !
I don't weigh my coffee Just throw it with my RCBS and dump into the Black&Decker "brew and go" one cup brewer.
Charles I dont think this thread could ever be complete without a challenge as to the accuracy of said scales. I mean as we all know .033 of a grain in your measurement can make all the difference in a cup of coffee. Added to that if you try to add chickory to that as in Roy's case you have to be able to measure down to .0001 or it will be unfit to drink.

Depends on the conditions...
View attachment 12829
I was in Starbucks recently when I suddenly realized I desperately needed to fart. The music was really loud so I timed my fart with the beat of the music. After a couple of songs I started to feel better. I finished my coffee and noticed that everyone was staring at me… And suddenly I remembered I was listening to my iPod …and how was your day?
That's what happens when old people start using technology !

As you get older you learn certain thinks

Never pass up the chance of a good meal.
Never let an erection go unused.

Never trust a fart.
Always wear brown trousers.
I too am a coffee snob! There I said it. Do not/will not/ can not drink the free swill at work. Sets in the pot DIRECTLY ON THE HEATER.One can actually smell it scalding. Morons! Then the Philistines put non-dairy !@#$ in it. They also have the unmitigated temerity to critisize me for my daily trip down the block for a 1.70 cup of excellent stuff.
The trick is fresh ground beans,yes the 8:eek:clock is fine freshly ground with non-chlorinated water. I recieve good beans as gifts , xmas bday etc. Fourty years ago my wife got me a bean grinder for my birthday. Use it every day. The other thing is to get the filter off the pot before it drips the last little bit which makes it bitter. Life is too short to drink horse p... at four oclock in the morning.
I also now drink "craft beers" and real old scotch and bourbon.
Tim Thompson