political, guns/pot/perception

Millions are spent on anti cigarette smoking ads...

So the new deal is what? cigarettes are bad for you but pot is OK?

Pot is bad for you if you smoke it. You gotta bake it in your brownies.
Guys and gals, surely you can see where all this is going; 10 commandments out of the courthouses and classrooms, no more morning prayers to start the school day (even if the US Congress is exempt), legal pot, coddling the LBGT set, gun free school zones...etc etc ...can't you??

If you can, get off your collective arses and do something about it!!
Guys and gals, surely you can see where all this is going; 10 commandments out of the courthouses and classrooms, no more morning prayers to start the school day (even if the US Congress is exempt), legal pot, coddling the LBGT set, gun free school zones...etc etc ...can't you??

If you can, get off your collective arses and do something about it!!

And Jerry I thought I read somewhere that you were leaving for Riverbend and not to be heard from in several day's? lol

No, you can't learn from this. You're either a pot smoker or you are not. Otherwise it doesn't matter. If you smoke pot, the new deal is that you can get it legally at some cost....as opposed to getting it otherwise....which you were doing in the first place. This new deal on pot is purely a grab for the money and you can bet both cheeks the previous dealers (those that are out) will come up with a better deal and it will be the same as it was before - except for the pot stores. A perceived problem would be that there are closet pot smokers that will now smoke pot because it's legal. Nonsense I think.....think being the key word. View pot stores as you would liquor stores and you can live with it more better.

Somewhere in there is my answer to your question.

In case you need this...I don't think so, but just in case:

The public at large doesn't care what you think. I care what you think but you can easily see how far that goes!

LOL!! :)

OK, I'll try again...... my question ISN'T ABOUT POT SMOKING. It's about how I reacted.

So are you saying Wilbur, "You're either a shooter or you're not" so we need to just settle back and accept it? Like "why bother?"

Din't think so.....

I know how much you love introducing folks to shooting sports.....and I admire you for it.

And I've actually managed to sneak around a few liberals in my day, get them to see their prejudices and repent.

People DO Lissen and DO LEARN with proper presentation. I have. I don't generally learn from people continually prating garbage I've heard all my life but NEW OUTLOOKS make me think, make me re-assess....And it works both ways.

I'll give an example.

I was a gunsmith in a store in the midwest. We were a "prison town" so even though we were Hicksville we got a broad cross-section of visitors. A beautiful middle aged woman came into the store. And hung about for a while not needing help. After a while the place was empty but for me and her and I asked her, "Ma'am, may I ask why you're here?"

She replied, "I've always been curious how you people live. I'm here on business with the prison, I'm really tuned to the criminal mind but I cannot for the life of me understand how a certain segment of the populace is OK with indiscriminate killing of innocent creatures. I understand self defense but what kind of sick person derives pleasure from killing animals..... I've got time to kill and I'm generally pissed at society and the world around me today so I'm kinda' itching for a fight. I need a warmup...."

Yippee!!!! :)

A blazing ray of sunshine in my day! A bonafide pissed off liberal LAWYER!! It was like a Blessing From Heaven. "She HAS to accept rational reason! Reason HAS to trump spite in this woman! She calls herself a liberal but she gets paid as a lawyer....this is an unexpected GIFT!"

So I asked her to explain herself, support her position.

Turns out she was a pet owner who believed that "animals are nice" and "animals are fair and not prejudiced" and "nothing deserves to die" etc etc...

As we talked, rationally, I pointed out her leather shoes, belt and purse ("handbag" actually), asking "what are you going to do? Wear hemp? turn completely vegan? Howsabout fish? animal pests? Did they spray for mosquitoes in her neighborhood?"

And she listened when I explained that fishing and hunting "for sport" didn't mean that we loved the killing, I showed her in the regs and various books how the harvested animals must be treated and how much work is involved in processing of wild meat. How we don't just kill and waste, we are meat eaters......carnivores, not killers.... but the single biggest blow came when I asked her "what are you going to drive?"

The power car she had parked at the curb cost more than my yrs wages....

"What do you mean?"

I said "you came in here believing that NO ANIMAL NEED DIE for our lifestyle choices, and that killing for personal use is wrong. So, what are you going to drive? Are your friends and clients going to sit on vinyl or polyester? Or are you going with the wooden butt-massage beads to set on, or maybe floweredy seat covers??""

And she smiled! She LAUGHED! She said "I'm BEAT!"

"I feel like a hypocrite...."

She left the shop smiling, with a spring in her step and a different outlook on "killing animals."

She was no longer a rabid "anti-hunter" voting only with her feelings toward her beloved Foofie dog.

She got past her prejudices.

So, I'm prejudiced about kids and drugs.....and I've an agenda about guns and freedom....and I'm examining my motives, bouncing my ideas off some of the intelligence I've found here.....in hopes of becoming better at presenting my beliefs.

The idiot children of my generation are BEATING US politically right now. Beating us by glorifying stupid behavior. We've given them entirely too much credence, too much freedom and too much money, they've never had to grow up and THINK..... there simply are more liberals than their are conservatives and I need every tool in my bag to present to this new generation. This fresh crop of minds is brilliant, gamers and geeks who thrive on FACTS. And kids of today are looking around in disillusionment, they haven't been indoctrinated by any union poison except that of the NEA. They know that when you run out of rubles or hearts in the game, you die....no matter what their idiot "Guidance Counselor" told them. They've recognized early on not to trust adults because most adults are irrational.

I'm trying not to be irrational...... again, this ain't about pot :)

This is about "how can I better present American Conservative Values to the people who are taking over the future of this country."

We, the country of America, are being LAUGHED AT!

Because we're giving it away.

That ain't funny....but we've earned it!

"We the people" are getting what we vote for.


I'm trying to change the vote, one at a time.

NOT with the folks my age! I've given them up for lost, but KIDS.... kids are BRIGHT :)

Shine On

What happens if Obama and his homey Holder decide that ignoring the pot laws isn't such a great idea? Do they confiscate all that illegal tax money that was collected by the states?

What happens if Obama and his homey Holder decide that ignoring the pot laws isn't such a great idea? Do they confiscate all that illegal tax money that was collected by the states?

We is doomed!! Oh Lawdy we is doomed. Will Rogers said so in 1931!!

If WE THE PEOPLE don't get off our arses and quit voting for the Clintons, McCains, and Bushes we may be sho-nuff doomed!!
Not that I support "weed" even if it's legal, however it is legal. As far as unhealthy substances for abuse, well there is more than enough to say about alcohol and tobacco. Chose your poison.
Al, I don't think I missed your point but I suppose I shouldn't have posted at all. Believe me when I say I'm also "up to here" with it.
Al, I don't think I missed your point but I suppose I shouldn't have posted at all. Believe me when I say I'm also "up to here" with it.

Wilbur, please remember that as much as we abuse our privilege, as much as we grunt and squabble amongst ourselves in our blind scramble toward senility I think I'm speaking for _most_ when I say "WE LOVE YOU"



AND...(couldn't help it)

Why would you want to change your stripes...or think you needed to. You can think anyway you like from one thing to another. It doesn't matter in the slightest how you think about one thing and completely different about another similar item. It's been that way for 50 years that I know about and likely before and likely after. Don't start trying to understand the other side or later on they'll call you a liberal. The other side always has a good point, and you know that, but somewhere inside is YOUR POINT. Never allow your point to be easily out voted. Is it wrong to think that way...maybe it is...maybe not. I just don't know and suggest that nobody else knows.

You can be right or wrong at any moment, day or night. No one is exempt.
You can be right or wrong at any moment, day or night. No one is exempt.

LOL :)

See now there ya' go. I could have avoided all this facebook drama if you'd just posted this first thing.....

And if I'da' lissened

But I DON'T so well,

LISSEN that is,


You can be right or wrong at any moment, day or night. No one is exempt.

You speak the truth.

But there sure are a lot of folks who can't or won't accept that they may be (or often are) wrong.

Or that those who don't agree with them may be (or often are) right.
I remember when a group of so called scientists said the oceans will completely submerge many coastal beach areas and towns within 15 years, it didn't happen. I remember when the same type of people said the oil wells would take 5 years to get the fires out after the Iraq War (Desert Storm) in Iraq and Kuwait, it took about 6 months. I also remember when NBC put an accerlant of some sort in a Chevy pickup for a good blowup showing that the gas tank wasn't properly engineered and positioned when involved in a wreck and got caught at it. I remember in the 70s the same type of so called sooth sayers said we were going into another Ice Age. I saw many court room head shrinkers say the defendant wasn't responsible for their actions while another said they were. When something actually didn't happen,even in a smaller way, how can anybody with any certainty be right about such things. I demolished a GMC (same design as a Chevy) of that era banged in the gas tank with no explosion. If you go shopping you can get a Medical person and/or Headshrink to say what you want to hear at least it looks that way to me from what I've seen. We had and have some in the highest offices in the land take oaths and break them almost daily. I think vigilance is more important than drinking the Kool Aid of your favorite group of people. Someone said follow the money, they are probably right.
You speak the truth.

But there sure are a lot of folks who can't or won't accept that they may be (or often are) wrong.

Or that those who don't agree with them may be (or often are) right.



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Sorry Wilbur....... If you do choose to delete the thread could you remove the header? Just make it so it's no longer on the board?

I'm not asking you to delete it, I do feel strongly about how we as a group present ourselves, I just don't want my poorly chosen thread title to be "up" but with the thread gone :)

I promise not to rise....

I'm a big boy ;)

I don't see a reason to delete the thread - yet. As long as ya'll keep it civil.....well...until it gets to that point I'm sorta OK with it. Heck fire, I made some posts here....
The walleye are runnin on the mighty Mississippi. Good time and place to go and concentrate on that instead of something a few of us can't/arent going to change...:)